关于人际交往的英文的名言警句 一些关于人际沟通的名言格言

2023-04-08 00:09   geyange.com



1、Managers who are good at communication may also be good at hiding the real problems.


2、Judgment is more important than eloquence in conversation.


3、Judgment is more important than eloquence in conversation. Thought must be produced in the process of communication with others, but in solitude.

与人交谈一次,往往比多年闭门劳作更能启发心智。思想必定是在与人交往中产生,而在孤独中进行加工和表达。 ——列夫·托尔斯泰

4、There are many secrets hidden in the heart through the eyes of the leak, not through the mouth.

有许多隐藏在心中的秘密都是通过眼睛被泄露出来的,而不是通过嘴巴. ——爱默生

5、An argument may be a shortcut between two minds.


6、His enthusiasm and experience into the conversation, is the speed of moving people Jane method, but also an essential element. If you are not interested in what you say, how can you expect others to move.

将自己的热忱与经验融入谈话中,是打动人的速简方法,也是必然要件。如果你对自己的话不感兴趣,怎能期望他人感动。 ——戴尔·卡内基

7、One must know what to say, one must know when to say, one must know who to say, one must know how to say.

一个人必须知道该说什么, 一个人必须知道什么时候说, 一个人必须知道对谁说, 一个人必须知道怎么说。——现代管理之父德鲁克

8、If you want to be a good person to talk to, do a good job first

如果希望成为一个善于谈话的人,那就先做一个致意倾听的人. ——戴尔·卡耐基

9、If you want to make people like you, if you want others to be interested in you, one thing you should pay attention to is to talk about other people’s interests.

如果你要使别人喜欢你,如果你想他人对你产生兴趣,你注意的一点是:谈论别人感兴趣的事情. ——戴尔·卡耐基

10、In real life, some people appear to be the obstacle of communication, because they do not know to forget an important principle: let others feel important.

现实生活中有些人之所以会出现交际的障碍,就是因为他们不懂的忘记一个重要的原则:让他人感到自己重要. ——戴尔·卡耐基

11、Effective communication depends on the full mastery of the issue, not the sweetness of the wording.

有效的沟通取决於沟通者对议题的充分掌握,而非措辞的甜美 。——葛洛夫

12、If you are right, try to let the other person agree with you gently and tactfully. If you are wrong, admit it quickly and enthusiastically. It’s much more effective and interesting than arguing for yourself.


13、Heart to heart talk show is the soul.


14、Everybody needs someone to talk to him. A man may be very brave, but he may be lonely.


15、Talking and writing, have a theme, have a plan, there are levels, head and tail, not incoherent.


16、The art of conversation is the art of listening and listening.


17、”Oh” is a kind of truth into language ability, and the use of language can make the listener understand completely.


18、We always focus on internal communication, and forget to communicate with the customer.


19、The so-called “ear”, that is, “listen” means.


20、The best friend is the temperament of mutual admiration, mutual communication on the soul, the world view of each other in harmony, the cause of the same goal.


21、Effective communication depends on the full mastery of the subject, not the sweetness of words.


22、When I face a group of people, or is the mass media to talk, I always imagine that you are a person “and” heart to heart talk.


23、The most basic function of managers is to develop and maintain a smooth communication channel.


24、Listen to any advice or comments is respect, because it means we believe each other with insight, eloquence and wit, on the other hand, dozing, walk away or despise luanche.


25、Proper use of words is very powerful, whenever we use the right word…… Our spirit and body will have a great change in the things that vanishes in a flash.


26、If you want to change your life, you must be careful with the words, because these words can make you excited, aggressive and optimistic.


27、It is a kind of happiness to ask anyone for advice and to describe their own suffering, which can be compared with that of those who pass through the hot desert, when they receive a drop of cold water from the sky.


28、Heart to heart talk show is the soul.


29、For a negligence excuse, often make this negligence is particularly significant, as a small piece of cloth to mend the hole, but just the same.


30、He who will not reason is stubborn; he who does not reason is a fool; and he who dares not is a slave.


31、Silence is a philosophy of life, when used well, it is a kind of art.


32、A break short, let him closed, is rude, and let him say, is cruel.


33、When you advise others, if you do not take into account other people’s self-esteem, then no matter how good the language is useless.


34、When you think about what you are going to say, make a polite way, because it will take time.


35、It is a nature to tell others about yourself, so it is a kind of upbringing to take seriously what others tell you about yourself.


36、The best way to encourage yourself is to encourage others.


37、His enthusiasm and experience into the conversation, is the speed of moving people Jane method, but also an essential element. If you are not interested in what you say, how can you expect others to move.


38、Speech is like playing a harp: it is necessary to fiddle with the strings to play the music, but also need to hold down the strings of the hand to make it sound.


39、Be a good listener and encourage others to talk about themselves.


40、Everybody needs someone to talk to him. A man may be very brave, but he may be lonely.


41、Find yourself, keep the color. —— Dale Carnegie






