蒲熠星说英语 英语翻译: 蒲熠星电视英语对话

2024-03-09 08:09   geyange.com


A. 中文:有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎。(出自《论语》)

Pu: A friend from far away, you have to be happy.

[AA: “A friend from far away” 是不合语法的破句, 最低限度一个改为 “When a friend from far away comes to visit…”

Chen: It is my pleasure to meet friends from distant places (/countries).

[AA: Perfect. Goo job. “distant place” 可以简化为 “afar”]

B. 中文:我很危险

Pu: I'm so dangerous.

[AA: 意思是 “我是危险人物”,不是 “我是处于危险情况”]

Chen: I'm in great danger.

[AA: Perfect]

C. 中文:这个东西是用来干什么的?如果我吃了这个(苹果),我将变成白雪公主

Pu: So what is this for? If I eat it, I will be like a Snow White.

[AA: “like” 是 “像”, 不是 “变成”, 词不达意]

Chen: What does this mean? If I eat this (apple), I will become Snow White.

[AA: 你的翻译100%准确反映中文词句;但中文句子逻辑有问题,第二句应该是疑问假定情况而不是陈述将会发生的事实;

我会写为: 这东西是什么鬼?如果我吃了这个 (苹果),我会变成白雪公主吗?

What the heck is this (thing/piece of s-h-i-t)? If I eat it, would I turn into Snow White?]

D. 中文:我们队伍中原来有5人(including Pu himself)。其中2人被(“猎人”,游戏中的抓捕者)抓了。

Pu: We used to have five teammates, and two has been caught.

[AA: “has” 应该是 “have”]

Chen: At the beginning of the game (TV show), there were five members in our team. However, two teammates were caught by the hunters.

[AA: 你的翻译100%准确但用词可以简化, 口语越简短越好, 考虑:

Our team started with 5 guys, but two were caught.]

E. 中文:我们2个队友已经被(猎人)抓(淘汰)了。其中一位是第一次参加本节目。

Pu: We have our two teammates are caught. One of them came this program first time.

[AA: 语法错误许多, 试试:

Two of our teammates were caught, and one of them is a first-timer to this program.]

Chen: Two teammates are out of this game. One of them take part in this program (TV show) for the first time.

[AA: “take” 应该是 “takes”; 第二句可以简化为 “ one of them is a first-timer”. The rest is fine.]

F. 文:我要打电话给黄,告诉他前往XX博物馆(完成任务,任务是推闸)。

Pu: I will contact Huang, (and) ask him to go to the XXX Bo Wu Guan(地名可以用拼音表示.

[AA: “博物馆”名称可以用拼音, 但博物馆本身应该用 “Museum”]

Chen: I will call Huang, and tell him to go to XXX Bo Wu Guan to finish the task (/to put on the brake).

[AA: 同样博物馆应该用 Museum; “推闸” 是 “to shut the front gate” 或 “to push the accordion gate shut”]

G. 中文:我(现在是)第八名

Pu: I'm in eight.

[AA: “in eight” 是错误, 应该说 “I’m eighth”.]|

Chen: I'm currently in the 8th place.

[AA: Perfect; 可以省略 “the”; Try: “I’m in eighth place now”.]

H. 中文:(继续)摇晃(手上的手机)。

Pu: Shake it off.

[AA: “shake it off” 是 “摇动来摆脱它”, 词不达意]

Chen: Continue to shake your handphone.

[AA: 翻译没错; 口语用 “keep shaking” 优于 “continue to shake”; 手机是 “cellphone” 或 “mobile/mobile phone”. Try: “Keep shaking your mobile”.]

I. Guest Chi Fu (越南籍歌手 She is a singer from Vietnam)


Chi Fu: What is the code?


[AA: “password/secret word” for all-alphabet code; “pass code” for mainly numerical code; “secret code” for either]

J. 中文:我有东西(我有件礼物)要给你

Chi Fu: I have something for you.

Chen: I will give you a gift (I have a gift for you).

[AA: “I have a gift for you” is perfect. “I have something for you” is fine as well.]

K. 中文: (如果你吃了这个苹果)我将加入你的团队

Chi Fu: I will belong to your team.

Chen's correction: I will join your team.

[AA: “I will join your team” is good English, way better than “I will belong to your team”.]


刚子小妹妹: 你的英语很地道,对认识错误很准确。

你最好再看看你说 “Pu”的英语是否准确,因为他的错误很基本,上电视的英语不应该是那么肤浅的,可能你看错了。


Note 1


说话直接的刚子 (发问读者):

林老师你好,我在看一期TV show时,对于Microphone Controllers (MC,TV show host) 和guests的英语表述(spoken language)有一些疑问。(Note 2)

Chen是我自己的翻译,请你帮我检查MC,guests,和我(Chen)的表述有无改进之处。谢谢!MC 蒲熠星Pu Yixing(在美国约翰·霍普金斯大学取得硕士学位。He pursued a Master's degree in Finance at Johns Hopkins University):

Note 2

“MC” 一般的意思是 “Master of Ceremony 司仪”, 不是 “Microphone Controllers”




