
2023-11-11 13:47   geyange.com

罪与罚 英语

罪与罚,crime and punishment

1)crime and punishment罪与罚

1.Proper Free Name in the Base "Crime and Punishment" Then that the Top is Thought of;陀思妥耶夫斯基《罪与罚》中的自由之名

2.The Criminal Idea of Crime and Punishment《罪与罚》中的犯罪学思想

3.And based on the result of the analysis,he tries to point out a distinguishing feature of Kafka s work: crime and punishment,an dreamlike and important theme.本文试图对这部作品进行文本分析,并通过文本揭示卡夫卡的作品所特有的梦幻性的特征和卡夫卡作品中一个重要的主题:罪与罚。


1.Crime and punishment grow out of one stem.罪与罚本是同茎生。

2.The Scarlet Letter and ПРЕСТУПЛЕНИЕ И НАКАЗАНИЕ:on the Two Explanations of Archetype of Atoning for a Crime;《红字》与《罪与罚》:关于“赎罪”原型的两种阐释

3.Research on the Conviction and Penalty of the Bribery Crimes by Non-national Staffs非国家工作人员贿赂犯罪罪与罚问题探究

4.Proper Free Name in the Base "Crime and Punishment" Then that the Top is Thought of;陀思妥耶夫斯基《罪与罚》中的自由之名

5.The Trill of the Soul;心灵的颤音――《罪与罚》的写作技巧评说

6.Sin and Punishment: The Metaphor of "Eve" in Tess of the D' Urbervilles罪与罚:《苔丝》中的“夏娃”隐喻

7.Act as the Cultural Domain under the "Marital Rape" Acts of Crime and Punishment法文化视域下“婚内强奸”行为的罪与罚

on the Ephical View in The Scarlet Letter罪与罚――评《红字》中的伦理道德观

9.You know, invent something, or just finish reading Crime and Punishment.比如发明点东西 或者仅仅是读完《罪与罚》

10.A Trial and Error of Cultures as National Allegory:An Interpretation of Crime and Punishment;文化试错的民族寓言:《罪与罚》的一种解读

11.relating to crime or its punishment.与犯罪或其惩罚有关。

12.The penalty does not balance with the offense.刑罚与罪过不相称。

13.made the punishment fit the crime;使刑罚与罪状相符;

14.The Adaption of the Penalty Concerning the Offences on Corruption and Bribery and the Improvement of China's Penal System贪污受贿罪的刑罚适用与我国刑罚体系的完善

15.Research on Legislative Issues on Conviction and Punishment of Crimes Committed by a Unit in China;我国单位犯罪定罪与处罚立法问题研究

16.Rethinking on Relations Between Penalty and the Preventing of Traffic Accident;交通肇事罪中刑罚设定与犯罪预防关系反思

17.Punishment ought to Be proportional to the crime.惩罚应该与所犯的罪相应

18.Can we make the punishment fit the crime?我们能使惩罚与犯罪相称吗?

guilt and punishment罪与罚

1.These two sides decide people s different attitudes towards guilt and punishment,and people s different attitudes have different outcome.罪与罚是永恒的主题 ,我们可以将之追溯到有关原罪的传说。

3)Crime and Punishment《罪与罚》

1.A New Novel of Russian Style ― On Crime and Punishment;一部俄罗斯式的新长篇小说――试论《罪与罚》

2.The Analysis on Ethical Narration in Crime and Punishment;《罪与罚》伦理叙事分析

3.On the Psychological Description in Crime and Punishment论《罪与罚》中的心理描写

4)crime and punishment犯罪与刑罚

5)ideas of Crime and Punishment罪与罚理念

6)The punishment should fit the crime.罪与罚应相当.

