
2023-09-25 22:53   geyange.com


The NTSB guys are here

about that bulkhead problem.

Okay, thanks.

It's there.

I should run the algorithms, though.

Don't you think?


You wanna wait for those

spectrometer results?


- Hi.

- Hey.

What about dinner tonight?

We go out to dinner, we

might never come back.


I wanna wake up with you...

Mrs. Smith.

I want to at least see where you live.

I live here...

Mr. Smith.

- Metro Division.

- Uh, Lieutenant Nunally, please.

Lieutenant Nunally comes on at 6:00 tonight.

- Can someone else help you?

- That's okay, I'll see him later. Thank you.


- Afternoon, Ciro.

- Hello, señora.

Hello there.

You're home early.


I just felt...

a sudden urge.

Are you okay?

Yeah. I could use a hug.

You know, I've been watching you sleep...

at night.

That's creepy.


Yeah, sometimes, you'll remember, at work,

I'll start thinking about you...

and I'll just get...

- Just overwhelmed.

- Ted.

It's a dense, crushing...

geophysical force,

like I'm pinned at the core.

While things change, you know?

Do you ever get that way about me, Jen?

I really don't think I can

do one of these tonight.

I'm just trying to describe my feelings.

Those don't sound like feelings.


What's the sound of a feeling?

You think you're so much smarter than me.

It must make you feel very powerful.

Helpless, actually.

- Okay, maybe it's time to really talk.

- No.

- No?

- No.

Fine, whatever.

I'll go change. I'll make some dinner.

I love you.

I know.

Does he...

Mrs. Smith?

- I'm sorry.

- Don't be.

Knowledge is pain. I'm used to that.

Not that I don't get some little pleasures...

in return for the pain, mind you.

Mr. and Mrs. Crawford?

You all right?

Is everybody okay in there?

- Notice anything out of the ordinary?

- I didn't see anything unusual.

- Just Mr. and Mrs. Crawford.

- Nobody else?

No. No.

Flores, how you been?

Good, good. You know, same.

We got one witness, maybe.

The gardener.

His name's Ciro.

Hey, guys, this is Lieutenant Nunally.

- Good to meet you.

- Hello, sir.

So, what do we know?

Mr. Crawford?

- Who is this?

- My name is Lieutenant Robert Nunally.

I'm a hostage negotiator with the L.A.P.D.

Mr. Crawford?


You two, let's go.

Just you, please.

Mr. Crawford?

I'm just gonna slide the door

open just a bit, all right?

- Hi.

- Hi.

Do I call you Rob?

Sure, yeah. If you want to.

Lots of vampires out there.

Mr. Crawford, what do you say

you give me the gun?

That way I can pay more attention

to what you're saying. All right?

Is that your best shot, Rob?

So to speak.

Tell you what. I will if you will.

We both put down our guns.

We set them down and we step away.

Then you can pay attention

to what I'm saying.

All right, I'm gonna have to ask you

to put yours down first, then.

Then you have my word.

Everybody gives a little...

we'll see what we can do

about getting you what you want, ok?

Happy ending, then.

Mr. Crawford, your gardener tells it...

- that your wife--

- It's Ted.

- I'm sorry?

- You can call me Ted.

Ted. Great. Ted.

Your wife, is she here?

Is she all right?

I don't think she is.

I shot her.

You shot your wife?

It's just like I suddenly snapped...

and I got the gun and I shot her in the head.

I know it was wrong.

Are you listening to me, Rob?

Oh, Jesus Christ.

I read somewhere that the best place

to find a pulse is in the femoral artery.

It's on the inner surface of the upper thigh.

So if you just put your

fingers up her skirt...

you'll find it.

- Break it up!

- We got a victim down!

All right.

She's got a pulse.

Rob. Good job.

You all right?

I wanna be in the room.

Well, we got it covered.

Yeah, I know.

I just wanna be there.

And I want this thing locked...

before we pass it to the DA.

Stop yelling, Phil.

I called you as a courtesy

and now you're trying to take advantage.

I'm not. I'm not knocking

it down to a class C.

My backlog of open cases

doesn't mitigate the fact...

that your client tried to

kill his brother-in-law.

A golfing accident. Phil...

your client owns one golf club,

no golf balls...

and the accident happened in a stairwell...

of an after-hours, illegal gambling hall.

I'll see you in court.

Well, I won't, but someone

from this office will.

You can take it up with them.

Los Angeles district attorney's office.

- Beachum.

- Yes, it is.


No, I didn't.

- Yeah.

- Wooton Sims?

- Wooton Sims?

- Shut up.

Short notice is fine.

It's fine. Uh-huh.

Black tie? Fine.

What time? That'll be fine.

Thank her for me. All right.

- How many times did I just say "fine"?

- You asshole.

How the hell did you get

a job at Wooton Sims?

I can't even get an interview.

I've been here five years, Willy.

I'm your supervisor.

I graduated USC, summa.

- I need a tuxedo.

- A tux?

- You are full of shit.

- I need it for tonight. Is that possible?

- Of course.

- They do that?

- Same day sort of thing?

- Uh-huh. Sure.

- Can I give you that?

- Yeah.

- Okay.

- Well, that's maxed out...

so I'm gonna give you this.

So, what's this all about?

You know, Burt Wooton's

having a charity-opera thing and...

- Burt?

- Well, that's what he told me to call him.

You're gonna need to pick out a style, Willy.

- Like what?

- Willy Beachum's office.

- Maybe... classic.

- Classic.

- Yeah, no problem.

- Classic.

Just makes sure it comes with

cuff links and kneepads.

- Willy.

- Oh. That's not classic.

- That's what I'm saying.

- Before, after.

- That's the way I go.

- God wants to see you.

- Our God?

- Who art on the fourth floor.

Mr. Lobruto? Mr. Beachum.

- Have a seat.

- Thank you.

William "No Middle Initial" Beachum.

Wow, a 97 percent conviction rate.

- That's impressive.

- Thank you, sir.

Of course, you traded all your

losing cases to other DDAs.

