
2023-09-25 12:43   geyange.com


1. break away from sb. or sth. / break away ***脱离;逃离

解 短语动词;词义溯源:从某人或某物破裂而[脱离(away)]

例 Richardson was a Republican before breaking away and founding the Conservative Coalition. 理查森曾经是共和党成员,后来离开该党,并成立了保守党联盟。

2. break camp **撤营,收起帐篷;开拔

解 习语;词义溯源:破坏[营地(camp)]

例 After three days rest, the soldiers broke camp, pacing everything on their backs. 经过三天休整,士兵们开拔,并把所有东西打包,背在背上。

3. break out ***突然发生

解 短语动词;词义溯源:突然出现

例 Our doctors will be ready should the Ebola virus break out again. 我们的医生会随时准备应对埃博拉病毒再次爆发。

4. break out in sth. ***冒出(虚汗或疙瘩等)

解 短语动词;词义溯源:出现某种[状态(in)] [凸起(out)]

例 The thought of falling from the cliff caused the climber to break out in a cold sweat. 从悬崖上掉下去的想法把那个登山者吓出了一身冷汗。

5. break out into tears / break into tears / break out in tears **突然开始大哭

解 习语;词义溯源:忽然开始[出声地(out)] 大哭

例 Mother breaks out in tears anytime somebody mentions Peter's untimely death. 只要有人提起彼得的夭折,母亲总是会大哭起来。

6. break out of sth. / break out ***逃亡

解 短语动词;词义溯源:从某一地方[向外(out)]离开

例 Unable to break out of the room, all four of the children died in the fire. 由于无法跑出房间,那四个孩子都在大火中丧命。

7. break one's fall **减弱坠落的人即将受到的冲击力

解 习语;词义溯源:削弱某人的[坠落(fall)]

例 Miraculously, a strong gust of wind broke his fall and he survived. 一阵强风奇迹般地缓冲了他的下坠,使他活了下来。

8. break sth. off / break off sth. *** 折断,使断开

解 短语动词;词义溯源:打碎某物使其[脱落(off)]

例 Sightseers had broken off many pieces of the structure for souvenirs. 这座建筑的许多块都被游客拆下来当做纪念品了。

9. break sth. to pieces **使成为碎片

解 〈口〉习语;词义溯源:打碎某物使其变成[碎片(pieces)]

例 The indignant coach broke the reporter's camera to pieces. 愤怒的教练把记者的照相机摔得粉碎。

10. break the back of sth. **挫败;克服主要障碍,完成最艰巨的任务

解 习语;词义溯源:挫伤某物的[背部(back)]

例 Management is trying to break the back of the labor union by allowing the strike to go on. 管理层试图通过允许继续罢工来挫败工会。

11. break through sth. / break through ***打破…而通过,拨开…并前进,突破

解 短语动词;词义溯源:打破某物而[通过(through)]; break-through表示划时代的发现(或进展)

例 No hacker has ever successfully broken through the computer's three levels of security, though many have tried. 尽管许多黑客都尝试过,但是从没有一个能成功突破这台计算机的三重防护。
