
2023-08-25 20:49   geyange.com


嗨,还记得历代 iPhone 的广告语吗?你们觉得哪一代最经典?


iPhone X 确实引领了智能手机人脸识别的潮流。可是一代代越来越不走心的广告词,是否预示了苹果的衰败?

iPhone:苹果重新定义了手机,这仅仅是个开始。Apple reinvents the phone;This is only the beginning.

iPhone 3G:能够击败初代iPhone的第一款手机,这就是你一直等待的iPhone。The first phone to beat the iPhone;The iPhone you have been waiting for.

iPhone 3GS:岂止为止最快最强的iPhone。The fastest,most powerful iPhone yet.

iPhone 4:再一次改变世界。This changes everything.Again.

iPhone 4S:出色的iPhone,如今更出色。The most amazing iPhone yet

iPhone 5:有史以来改变最大的iPhone。The biggest thing to happen to iPhone since iPhone.

iPhone 5S:超前,空前。Forward thinking.

iPhone 5C:生来多彩。For the colorful.

iPhone 6/6 Plus:岂止之大。Bigger than bigger.

iPhone 6S/6S Plus:唯一的不同是处处都不同。The only thing that is changed is everything.

iPhone SE:一小步的一大步。A big step for small.

iPhone 7/7 Plus:7,在此。This is 7.

iPhone 8/8 Plus:新一代iPhone。A new generation of iPhone.

iPhone X:hello,未来。Say hello to the future.

iPhone XS/XS Max:大屏幕上见。Welcome to the Big Screens.

iPhone XR:哪一面都有亮点。There are highlights on either side.

iPhone 11:一切都刚刚好。Just the right amount of everything.

iPhone 11 Pro/11 Pro Max:Pro,如其名。And then there was Pro.

iPhone SE 2:称心称手,超值入手。Lots to love. Less to spend.

总体盘点下来,苹果的广告词真的是继库克上任以来越来越没有气势了;越来越平淡了,难道苹果真的就此没落了吗?回想当初的iPhone 4,到现在的iPhone11,还真是三十年河东三十年河西呀!未来苹果还会继续引领科技界热潮,继续发布备受追捧的产品吗?还是从此一蹶不振,渐渐退出神坛?结果无从知晓,只能慢慢等待!
