
2023-07-30 21:04   geyange.com


关于”体育精神的句子“的英语句子45个,句子主体:Sentences of sports spirit。

英文句子模板1:Sentences of sports spirit

1、Foreign-related group shoulders the important task of promoting and cultivating the national spirit. 涉外群体是民族精神的传播者、弘扬者和建设者,肩负着弘扬和培育民族精神的重要任务。

2、The study of competitive sports crimes help maintain the order of competitive sports, the spirit of sports, diminish paradox and prevent the crimes. 研究竞技体育犯罪,有助于维护竞技体育秩序,捍卫体育精神,化解矛盾,消除犯罪。

3、Science-humanism education is a kind of educational concept that permeates the purport of humanism in the scientific technology and treats the humanism as the value orientation. 科学-人文精神教育就是在科学教育中渗透人文精神,是一种以科学技术为基础,以人文精神为价值取向的一种教育观。

4、Continue to carry forward and cultivate the national spirit. 坚持弘扬和培育民族精神。

5、Sport imbues in young people a sense of responsibility and team work. 体育使年轻人感受到了责任感和团队精神。

6、The Confucian's hardship spirit, optimist spirit, harmonious spirit, humanist spirit and loyal spirit are the embodiment of the Chinese humane spirit, aiming at caring about life. 儒学的忧患精神、乐道精神、和合精神、人本精神和笃行精神,是中国人文精神的体现,其宗旨是对于生命的关怀。

7、In the physics teaching in our country the spirit of science and humanism is neglected, therefore it should be strengthened. 根据我国中学物理教学缺乏科学精神和人文精神的教育现状,提出在中学物理教学中应加强科学人文精神的教育。

8、They really embodied the sports spirit of "friendship first, competition second". 他们真正体现了“友谊第一,比赛第二”的体育精神。

9、Objective To explore the criminological characteristics of mental ation (MR) in forensic psychiatry. 目的探讨司法精神病学鉴定中精神发育迟滞(MR)患者的犯罪学特征。

10、It suggested the scientific realistic approach and rational approach. 它体现了科学的求实精神和理性精神。

11、Like a loyal disciple of Confucius, the bamboo reflects both physical and spiritual qualities of a wise man. 正如中国古代伟大的思想家和教育家孔子, 竹子正好反映智者的坚毅体魄及不屈精神。

12、Campus sports culture as one of the sub-cultures of sports culture includes such 3 aspects as campus sports spiritual culture, material culture and institutional culture. 作为体育文化亚文化之一的校园体育文化包括校园体育精神文化、物质文化、制度文化3方面。

13、To development sports industry and enhance its marketisation is both the needs of sports economic development and spiritual and cultural life. 发展拳击体育产业,提高其市场化程度,既是体育经济发展的需要,也是精神文化生活的需要。

14、Away from the hubbub in the plane body, the Community in the careful nurturing of the spiritual world there is no pollution of wisdom tree. 在远离喧闹的平面体里,这个共同体在精心培育精神世界的没有任何污染的智慧之树。

15、This subdivision of physical education finds ways to involved persons with physical or mental disabilities in a lifelong program of physical activity. 在体育教育细分中找到一些办法,使那些身体或精神残疾者得以进行终身体育锻炼。

16、The kernel of the literal spirit is "human". The true value of literal education is that "spirit makes up human". 文学精神的核心是“人”,文学教育的本体性价值在于“精神立人”。

17、The sport ideological culture, including art and literature of sports, makes up an important part of sport culture in the Central Soviet Areas. 包括体育文艺和体育文学等在内的体育精神文化是中央苏区体育文化中的重要组成部分。

18、In my view, first of all, the Olympic Game represents the spirit of sports. 在我看来,奥林匹克运动会首先代表了体育的精神。

19、Team spirit is a kind of embodiment of overall situation consciousness, coherence spirit and service spirit, as well as collective union strength. 团队精神是大局意识,协作精神和服务精神的集中体现,也是一个集体凝聚力的体现!

20、Xichou spirit reflects national spirit of the time. 西畴精神是民族精神的时代体现。

21、Parents hope their children can improve physical fitness and bestow the importance of persistence and team work. 父母希望孩子通过体育锻炼强身健体,学习顽强拼搏品质和团队精神。

22、Our team's sportmanlike conduce redounds to the credit of the school. 我们球队的体育精神表现有助于提高学校的荣誉。

23、This in itself is far more beautiful than physical appearances. 体育精神远远比外表美丽更重要。

24、University Sports Spirit is the common attitude, will, and mentality which is shared by all or most of university members. 大学体育精神指的是大学里的全体或大多数人对于大学体育活动共同一致、彼此共鸣的内心态度、意志状况和思想境界。

25、Sport program on TV mixing sport culture with TV culture, demonstrating sport spirit and beauty, is popular among m of audience. 电视体育节目融体育文化教育和电视文化为一体,向人们展示体育的精神和体育的美,深受广大观众欢迎。


26、This article comments on the important roles and significance of innovative spirit in qualified-education from the concept of innovation it , and also points out the ways of innovation education. 中小学教育必须从创新精神的概念入手,注重创新精神在素质教育中的地位和意义,闯出创新精神教育新的途径及方法。

27、Humanism education is to compose the students' spiritual living interspaces so that human sensibility life could be incessant sublimed through spiritual experience and cognize. 人文教育就是要通过教育构建学生的精神生活空间,使人的感性生命通过对精神的体验、认知得到不断的升华。

28、A healthy body is the guest-chamber of the soul; a sick , its prison. 健康的身体是精神的客房,有病的身体是精神的牢房。

29、"I think this kind of sportsmanship and brotherhood is really remarkable," he said. “我想这种体育精神和在运动场上亲如兄弟的精神是了不起的,”罗格感叹。

30、They teach sportsmanship, self-discipline, and conflict resolution. 运动中孩子们传承了体育精神,形成自律行为并有了解决冲突的方法。

31、Contemporary education should pursue educational international consciousness, person original idea, creative spirit, surmount spirit, excoriating spirit and tolerant spirit. 当代教育应当追求教育的国际意识、人本意识、创新精神、超越精神、批判精神和宽容精神。

32、Education is the foundation of national development in the long run, and it becomes necessary to advocate the combination of the scientific and humanistic spirit in the education. 百年大计,教育为本,在教育中倡导科学精神和人文精神的融合成为必然。

33、Sports are still an important part of Greek life and, by giving us the Olympics, the Greeks have had a tremendous influence on world sports and sportsmanship. 体育运动仍然是希腊人生活的重要部分。希腊人通过奥运会对全世界的体育运动和体育精神产生了重大的影响。

34、The Olympic spirit includes endeavor to raise the standards of global sports, to encourage partition, fair play , competitiveness and sportsmanship . 奥运精神包括努力提高全球运动水平,鼓励参与,公平竞赛,竞争精神和体育道德风范。

35、But their loss was dignified — the boys played hard and fairly, and their coaches displayed impeccable sportsmanship and served as ideal role models. 他们虽败犹荣----他们的比赛打得努力顽强、公平,他们的教练也把体育精神和职业精神发挥得淋漓尽致。

36、Today, Vans creates footwear and apparel with a variety of action sports in mind. 今天,客货车创造了一个工作的体育精神的各种鞋类和服装。

37、Early childhood mental disorders can be persistent, such as mental ation; 精神障碍可自幼年便持续存在,如精神发育迟滞;

38、Physical exercise was relevan to humane spirit, in view of the above, human spirit was valuable abstraction of physical exercise, physical exercise was external expression of human spirit. 体育与人文精神构建关系密切,人文精神是体育的价值抽象,体育则是人文精神的外在表现。

39、His practice , opinion, and views of physical culture are a spiritual treasure left to us by him. 他的体育实践和言论、体育思想和观点为我们留下了一笔可贵的精神财富。

40、Aim at the lack of literae humaniores during the medical education, this article suggests that from the uniform point of view between science and society, we should cultivate literae… 该文针对目前医学教育中人文精神的缺失,从科学精神与社会精神相统一的角度,提出培养人文精神的建议。

41、Humanity spirit exists in all the disciplines. The medical education especially emphasizes the importance of the humanity care and humanity spirit. 人文精神“是贯穿所有学科的,尤以医学教育最能体现人文关怀和人文精神之重要。

42、The High Table Dinner embodies the principles of a liberal arts education and is an important component in UIC's emphasis on "Whole Person Education" and "Four-Point Education". 高桌晚宴的推行是UIC博雅教育精神的体现,也是“全人教育”和“四维互动”教育理念的具体实施。其目的在于培养具有深厚中华文化底蕴的国际化精英人才。

43、Thus Mingde became famous. His educating practice embodied his profound educating thoughts, and his spirit was our valuable spiritual wealth. 胡元絯丰富的教育实践体现了他深刻的教育思想,其办学精神是中国宝贵的精神财富。

44、White Diagonal:once only warning for unsportsmanlike behavior. 白对角:表示警告没有体育精神的行为。

45、The exercise merely helps to impress that mental image on your subconscious mind. 体育锻炼只能帮助你将精神愿景印入你的潜意识之中。

46、The sportsmanship and camaraderie among members makes even the best foreign players feel at home. 会员之间的体育精神和同志情谊让外籍球员有宾至如归的感觉。

47、Nowadays, the research object in the field of sport aesthetics has been extended quite far so that many aspects related to sport seem to have been touched upon. 目前比较流行的观点把体育美学研究对象拓展得很广 ,似乎把同体育有关的许多方面都关照到了 ,但在这背后透露出的却是一种对体育精神、体育本质把握的缺乏。

48、Sensitize and educate the public about mental health and mental disorders, and raise awareness of the rights of people with mental disorders. 就精神健康和精神障碍向公众进行宣传和教育,以及提高对精神障碍患者权利的认识。

49、The spirit of nationwide fitness, which was advocated by Sunshine Sports Project, puts forward new requirements and targets for the promotion and development of physical education. “阳光体育工程”所倡导的全民健身精神,对体育教育事业的提升和发展提出了新要求、新目标。

50、As a P. E. teacher, only after becoming "intellectual faculties" and creative, can he be well qualf ied for the work on college P. 体育教师只有成为“智能型”的火材,并具有创造精神,才能胜任学校体育工作。


51、But all four members of the family were good sports, so we soldiered on to the fourth column. 但是一家四口都有体育精神,所以我们向第四列进发。

52、"Tobi, I want to talk to you about sportsmanship, " he began. “托比,我想和你谈谈体育精神的问题,”他发话了。

53、The Olympics spirit is one kind "is quicker, is stronger, is higher" the self-challenge spirit, simultaneously it is also fair, fair, equal, the free sports athletics spirit. 奥林匹克精神是一种“更快、更强、更高”的自我挑战精神,同时它也是公平、公正、平等、自由的体育竞技精神。

54、Kopites are the most sporting fans in the business and appreciate good football. 利迷是最富体育精神的球迷,懂得欣赏好的足球。

55、It's all part of sportsmanship. 它是体育精神的所有部分。





