唯美的关于青春的英文短句 英语青春句子唯美短句

2023-06-10 04:48   geyange.com


1. Life is a journey, not a destination. 生命是一段旅程,并非终点。

2. Every day is a new beginning. 每一天都是一个新的开始。

3. Life is short, make it sweet. 生命短暂,让它变得美好。

4. Believe in yourself and all that you are. 相信自己,相信自己的价值。

5. You are capable of amazing things. 你有能力做出惊人的事情。

6. Life is tough, but so are you. 生活很艰难,但你也很坚强。

7. Dream big and never give up. 做大的梦想,永不言败。

8. Life is too precious to waste time on things that don't matter. 生命太宝贵,不要浪费时间在无关紧要的事情上。

9. Don't count the days, make the days count. 不要计算天数,要让每一天都有意义。

10. Live in the moment and cherish the memories. 活在当下,珍惜回忆。

11. Every cloud has a silver lining. 每一朵云都有银色的衬托。

12. Embrace the challenges and enjoy the journey. 接受挑战,享受旅程。

13. Life is a gift, cherish every moment. 生命是一份礼物,珍惜每一刻。

14. Everything happens for a reason. 每一件事都有其原因。

15. Believe in the beauty of your dreams. 相信你梦想中的美好。

16. Life is too short to hold grudges. 生命太短暂,不要怀恨在心。

17. Time heals all wounds. 时间可以治愈一切伤痛。

18. Be grateful for every day and all the blessings in your life. 对生活中的每一天和所有祝福心存感激。
