
2023-04-02 13:19   geyange.com


1)mobile wallet手机钱包

1.The implementation project of mobile wallet is very important in mobile commerce.手机钱包的实现方案在移动电子商务中具有重要的地位。


1.Research on Key Technology of Mobile Wallet Based on Java Card and NFC基于JavaCard和NFC技术的手机钱包关键技术研究

2.It has been predicted that mobile phones might soon replace our wallets.据预测,手机很快就有可能取代我们的钱包。

3.A pickpocket eased him of his purse.扒手偷走了他的钱包。

4.Some light-fingered rogue has relieved him of his wallet.扒手将他的钱包偷走了。

5.The pickpocket lifted my wallet.那扒手偷了我的钱包。

6.A pickpocket stole my purse.扒手扒走了我的钱包。

7.My hand was trembling as I dug out my wallet.我的手颤抖着掏出钱包。

8.Sir, I have got my things (wallet, passport, camera, wrist watch, suitcase) stolen.警官,我的东西(如:钱包、护照、相机、手表、行李箱)被偷了。

9.The attraction of the mobile phone as a purse is that so many people have them.前文提到,手机化为钱包对于用户的吸引力在于其普遍性。

10.I keep my purse in my handbag.我把小钱包放在手提包里。

11.Her purse was stolen from her handbag.她的钱包放在手提包里被人偷走了.

12.The pickpocket abstracted the purse from my pocket.扒手从我的口袋里偷走了钱包。

13.I had my wallet stolen by a pickpocket while I was on the subway.今天乘地铁时我的钱包让扒手偷了。

14.Kay took the letter out of her purse.恺双手从钱包里拿出了那封信。

15.She walked along hurriedly, her purse held tightly in her hand.她匆忙地走着,手里紧紧攥着钱包。

16.The purse in her handbag was a sitter for any thief.她手提袋里的钱包小偷很容易偷走.

17.The purse in her handbag is a sitter for any thief她手提袋里的钱包小偷很容易偷走

18.The robber snatched the pursed out of the woman's hands.抢动者从那个女人手中把钱包抢走了。

A handbag;a purse.手包;钱包



5)packaging manipulator包装机械手

6)mainipulater of parcel delivery取包机械手

