神探夏洛克的经典语录 《神探夏洛克》有哪些经典的台词

2023-12-26 06:23   geyange.com



"He's not moving."

"He's thinking."

"He's really not moving."

"Slow but sure, John, not dissimilar to yourself."

"You just like this dog, don't you."

"Well I like you."

401 Mary,John 和 Sherlock 牵着狗去找凶手结果狗一直不走。麦哥说当时拍的时候那个狗是真的不走,这几句台词都是蹲在人行道上现场写的,太难了哈哈哈哈哈哈哈



"Anderson, don't talk out loud, you lower the IQ of the whole street."

(101 夏洛克对安德森,这个比较出名,“你拉低了整条街的智商”)

"I'm Sherlock Holmes and I always work alone because no one can compete with my MASSIVE INTELLECT!"

(102 夏洛克独自进屋找杀手华生够不着梯子在门外碎碎念哈哈哈哈)

"If you don't stop pryin', I'll burn you. I'll burn ---- the heart ---- out of you."


"I've always assumed that love is a dangerous disadvantage. Thank you for the final proof."

(201 夏洛克对艾琳,爱是致命的弱点)

"Hamish. John Hamish Watson. In case you are looking for baby names."

(201 华生对夏洛克和艾琳,潜台词“球球你俩原地结婚蟹蟹”)

"Listen, what I had said before, John, I meant it. I don't have friends. I've just got one."

(202 夏洛克对华生,“我只有你这一个朋友”,哄他消气,怀疑在撩。)

"Oh I may be on the side of the angels, but don't think for one second that I am one of them. "

(203 夏洛克对莫里亚蒂,这句真的太带感了,我虽然站白色一边,但我不是天使。)

"You're okay? Don't just say you are, because I know what that means, looking sad when you think no one could see you."

(203 茉莉对夏洛克,感人。)

"You're the best... the most human... human being... that I've ever known, and no one can convince me that you told me a lie. I was so alone... and I owe you so much."

(203 华生对墓碑,感感感人啊啊啊)

"I'm living in a world of goldfish."

(301 麦考夫对夏洛克,“金鱼”的出处)

"Mary and John Watson. Whatever it takes, whatever happens, I swear I'll always be there, always. For all three of you."

(302 夏洛克对华生夫妇,最后的誓言)

"The problems of your past are your business, the problems of your future are my privilege. That's all I have to say, that's all I need to know."

(303 华生对玛丽,小夫妻和好)

"Oh do your research! I'm not a hero, I'm a high-functioning sociopath, Merry Christmas!"

(303 夏洛克对马格努森,简直霸气啊,merry Christmas 又有冷幽默的感觉。)

"When does the path we walk on lock around our feet

When does the road become a river with only one destination

Death waits for us all in Sumarra

But can Sumarra be avoided?"

(401 夏洛克独白,在最后,由萨马拉有感而发的几句话。)

"I'm ---- giving you a case, Sherlock. When I'm ---- gone, if I'm gone, I want you to do something for me. Save John Watson. Save him, Sherlock, save him."

(401 玛丽录像,简直心碎碎)

"Ignorance is bliss."

"Well what's wrong with bliss?"

(402 费丝和卡尔沃顿·史密斯的对话,有点哲理。)

"I that am lost oh who will find me, deep down below the old beech tree. Help succour me now, the east wind blow, sixteen by six brother and under we go."

(403 欧洛斯歌词,揭秘的时候有点心疼)

"Goodbye, brother mine. No flowers, my request."

(403 麦哥甘愿赴死的时候,淡淡的一句“不要在我墓前放花”。)

"It's alright. I'm here. You're not lost anymore."

(403 夏洛克对欧洛斯,啊,夏哥哥回来了)

"Yeah, he's a great man, sir."

"No he's more than that, he's a good one."

(403 雷斯垂德与年轻警官的对话,夏洛克终于变成了 good man。)



Miss me? JM

To the very best of times, John. SH






