跑步的英语短句 关于跑步的名言英文版

2023-11-13 04:34   geyange.com



1 . "当我开始计算我所拥有的福乐,我的整个生命立即给扭转过来。”

2 . 用感恩的心,用报恩的心,来做服务的工作,便不会感到倦怠与疲累。

3 . 忧伤悲痛仇恨只是短暂的感觉,而善良记忆和爱却是永久的情愫。

4 . 百年轮回千年等,他世不做陌路人。物事人非性已改,依旧不泯养鱼恩。

5 . I will start fresh, be someone new Good morning!

6 . you can‘t have them

7 . Family is important mainly because it can make the parents get emotional

8 . 二十六 人活着总要爱一回。She who has never loved, has never lived

9 . 这世上一定存在着善良,值得我们奋战到底。

10 . 二 真挚恋爱过的心永不忘却。The heart that once truly loves never forgets


1 . Life is not a thankful,The gratitude, all respect you

2 . 感恩的心是由无数次伸手感化而成,伸出你的手,感化别人的心。

3 . 未来属于那些相信梦想之美的人。

4 . 爱永远不会嫌晚。

5 . 我如何贺你,以眼泪,以沉默。

6 . 十 When I was walking beside you,I just hoped that the moment would the foreverJust walking and talking was enough to me当我走在你身边时 我会希望永远都是这样。只要慢慢的走着对我来说就足够了。

7 . 心中常存感激,心路才能越走越宽。

8 . 滴水之恩,当涌泉相报。

9 . 爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式来爱你,那并不代表他们没有全心全意地爱你。

10 . 懂我的人不需要我解释,不懂我的人我不需要解释。


1 . Christmas is the most human and kindly of season, as the month of June with sunshine and the balmy breath of roses

2 . If you love, everywhere are lovely If you hate, hate everything If you are grateful, everywhere can be thankful

3 . 三 不管阳光是否万顷琉璃,天空是否云净如洗…聆听远方天籁,声音回响大地随遇而安,笑看风云。 No matter if the sun dont shine, or if the skies are blue……From a distance there is harmony, and it echoes through the land Let it be!! Just smile

4 . When the grace of a rice never forget it

5 . A christmas greeting to cheer you from your daughter

6 . Forget, forgive, for who may say that Christmas day may ever come to host or guest again Touch hands!

7 . Who made the heart-inch grass, at a three chunhui

8 . No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won‘t make you cry

9 . When you love what you have, you have everything you need 当你爱上你所拥有的,你就什么都不缺。

10 . The very first moment I beheld him, my heart was irrevocably gone


1 . Just because someonedoesnt love you the wayyou want them to, doesntmean theydont love you with all they have

2 . Wishing you every happiness when Christmas is near, and expressing appreciation for your cares and concerns during the year

3 . 谁言寸草心,报得三春晖。

4 . a single hand that wipetearduring failureimuch better than countleshandthat come together to clap on success失败的时候,一只拭去你泪痕的手,要比成功的时候,无数双只向你祝贺的手重要。

5 . “Eyes are raining for her,heart is holding umbrella for her,this is love”

6 . Wishing you a blessed Christmas and a New Year filled with happy surprises

7 . The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer someone else up

8 . Seize the day, for fleeting youth never returns

9 . 若将人生一分为二,前半段叫“不犹豫”,后半段叫“不后悔”。

10 . Remember that failure is an event, not a person要记住失败是件事,不是人。


1 . 没有黑暗这种东西,只有看不见而已。

2 . talk, good memories and loyalties renewed But if all else is lacking - love will do

3 . 我们若有感恩的心,便不会缺乏感恩的事。睡前为今天一天献上感恩!

4 . 爱不在于彼此凝视,而是注视着同一个方向。

5 . A holiday wish from your son Tom

6 . 眼睛为她下着雨,心却为她打着伞,这就是爱情。

7 . 有时候,让别人在乎你的最好办法,就是不那么在乎他。

8 . Sometimes you have to do whats best for yourself, no matter what anybody else thinks

9 . 感恩所有,好的坏的,一直在的感恩陪伴,中途走的感恩来过,谢谢你们,我已成长。

10 . 感恩是美德中最微小的,忘恩负义是品行中最不好的。





