
2023-11-08 05:30   geyange.com



Run away laughing, laughing and angry, laughing and regretting, laughing and illness escaping, laughing and happy. Every day he laughs, and his birthday is higher than Peng.


General rules do not hurt, but pain does not work. The blood vessels are clear. Brains are commonly used. If the spirit does not move, it will be stupid.


regular life is the secret of health and longevity. -- Balzac


despite the vicissitudes of life, my heart is calm and healthy. To push physics well, we must have fun.


life lies in movement, and life lies in rest. Keep optimistic and follow the rules of life. If you exercise regularly during the day, your body will be Corelle. In the evening, I rest on time, and my mind will be at ease.


smoke has a lot of harm but no benefit. Smoke and smoke, injure the body, pollute the environment, harm others and harm others, advise addicts, quit smoking and do not smoke.


exercise and exercise can improve people's health and optimism. Health and optimism are the guarantee of happy life and longevity.


health depends on health quotient, exercise depends on perseverance.


the width of the house is wider than the width of the mind.


Zhuang Zhuang is like a pine tree with large leaves and luxuriant green leaves. Wind and rain are not afraid.


disease comes from mouth, evil comes from mouth, no gas, no illness, no poison, no sore.


a person who travels a lot must have profound knowledge and perseverance. A person who exercises regularly must have a healthy body and energy.


In life, forgiveness can produce miracles, forgiveness can redeem emotional loss, forgiveness is like a torch, can illuminate the road paved by anxious resentment and revenge. -- Munir Nassef


work is like wind, standing like a pine, sitting as a bell, lying as a bow.


one night, ten nights are not enough. Coarse rice keeps people, and rough work suits body. Hunger does not eat too much, and thirst does not drink. People are not afraid of old age, but are afraid of falling ill.


the shortening of life is directly proportional to the depletion of energy; the prolongation of life is inversely proportional to the sadness of the mood.


the only valuable thing in the world is a person's energetic soul.


anger is easy to make people lose their sense and cause harm to our bodies and even our learning and work. Therefore, we should strengthen our self-cultivation, so that we can get rid of anger.


worry, anxiety and pessimism make the human body weak and sickly; open-minded joy and optimism make people healthy and longevity.


the sky is afraid of the dark clouds. Diseases of the mind are more dangerous than diseases of the body.


evil is rewarded with evil, and good is rewarded with good news. Most wicked men are short of life, and good men are safe all their lives.


withstand all kinds of temptation and annoyance test, is to achieve the most perfect mental health.


people can do a lot of stupid things in life, but the stupidest thing is to ignore health.


the disease comes, it is safe to establish confidence and active treatment. Overcome illness and restore health. There is no cure for the disease, only those who cannot cure it.


the prevention of accident cases, the key to psychological work, learn psychological knowledge, be a good consultant backbone.


life is like a mirror, it can shine on human shadow. You cry, it cries, you laugh, it laughs. Crying often comes, often laughing ill.


a sincere and rational friendship is the priceless treasure of life. Whether you can be faithful to your friend and always be worthy of him is the best test of your soul, mind and morality. -- Marx


running water is not rotten and door hinge is not worm eaten. Afraid of not moving, the brain is afraid of no use. Fear is not strong, but heart is not calm. If the machine does not rotate, it will rust.


pay attention to health, indifferent to money and death without bringing it. 120. You have 10,000 functions, you can conquer the world, you can even change race, you have no health, you can only talk.


in mind, we can sail a boat and live longer and healthier. Mind can pull a car, health and longevity more than 100.


Don't put your worries at ease, so as not to decay before you get old; don't put your worries at ease, so as not to turn white.





