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1、通向荣誉的路上并不铺满鲜花。 ——但 丁

the road to honor is not covered with flowers. Dante

2、荣誉就像玩具,只能玩玩而已,绝不能永远守住它,否则就一事无成。 ——居里夫人

honor is like a toy, it can only be played, and it can never be kept forever, otherwise it will accomplish nothing. Mrs. Curie

3、荣誉使艺术盛兴,一切有志于钻研的人,无不受着荣誉感的激动。 ——西塞罗

honor makes the arts flourish, and all those who aspire to study are excited by the sense of honor. - Cicero

4、忠诚是通向荣誉之路。 ——左拉

loyalty is the road to honor. - Zola


Fame and virtue are the ornaments of the mind. - Spain

6、蔑视荣誉的人,才能得到真正的荣誉。 ——李 维

those who despise honor can be truly honored. - Livy

7、应当把荣誉当作你最高的人格的标志。——牛 顿

honor should be regarded as the sign of your highest personality. - Newton


warriors and honor together, sinners and courts together. - Afghanistan


losing a friend is more than losing property, and losing your reputation destroys your life. - Spain

10、社会荣誉源自物质占有,而有时它又更像是获得这种占有的跳板。 ——弗兰克·帕金

social honor derives from material possessions, and sometimes it is more like a springboard for possession. - Frank Parkin


honor is like a firefly. It glitters far away. - John Webster


Without fame, there is no life. () - Britain

13、该得到的荣誉却未得到,比不该得到荣誉而得到要好得多。 ——马克·吐温

the honor that has not been obtained is much better than that which is not worthy of honor. - Mark Twin


the second life of fame. - Britain


a person's dignity is not in the honor, 100 is itself really worthy of this honor. - Aristotle


The person who does not seek fame is the most brave. - Stahnke

17、还有比生命更重大的,就是荣誉。 ——席 勒

there is more honor than life. - Schiller

18、一个放弃了名誉的人就等于放弃了生命。 ——阿雷蒂诺

a person who gives up fame is like giving up his life. - Aretino


Honor is the shadow of virtue. Europe


noble people pay more attention to honor than life. - Germany

21、无瑕的名誉是世间最纯粹的珍珠。 ——莎士比亚

flawless fame is the purest pearl in the world. - Shakespeare

22、不朽之名誉,独存于德。 ——彼德拉克

the reputation of immortality is only in virtue. - Peter Lark

23、性清者荣,性浊者辱。 ——左芬

the clear sex is proud, the sex is cloudy and humiliating. - Zuo Fen

24、名字本身有什么呢?我们叫做玫瑰的那种花,换个其它名字闻起来也一样芬芳。 ——雨 果

What is the name itself? The flowers we call roses are smelling like other names. - Hugo

25、荣誉在于劳动的双手。 ——达·芬奇

honor lies in the hands of labor. - Da Finch


it is better to lose life than to lose his reputation. Turkey

27、世界荣誉的桂冠,都用荆棘编织而成。 ——贾赖

the crown of the world's glory is knitted by thorns. - Jia Lai

28、不经艰苦就得不到桂冠,不经磨难就得不到成就,不经灾祸就得不到荣誉。 ——佚名

without hard work, you will not get the crown, and you will not get the achievement without suffering. You will not get the honor without disaster. - Anonymous

29、荣誉不能寻找,任何追求荣誉的做法都是徒劳的。 ——歌德

honor can not be found, any pursuit of honor is in vain. - Gerd

30、我所希冀的名声只是让人知道我曾安静地度过一生。——蒙 田

the fame I hope for is only to let people know that I have spent my life quietly. - Montaigne

31、遇到的困难越多,得到的荣誉也越大。 ——西塞罗

the more difficulties we encounter, the greater the honor we get. - Cicero

32、荣誉就象河流:轻浮和空虚的荣誉浮在河面上,学生的和厚实的荣誉沉在河底里。——培 根

honor is like a river: the glory of frivolity and emptiness float on the river, and the honors of students sink in the bottom of the river. - Bacon

33、树由其果实而得名。 ——马富尔

the tree is named by its fruit. - MA - Fu

34、烈士的墓是荣誉的最瑰丽的祭坛。 ——何塞·马蒂

the tomb of the martyrs is the most glorious altar of honor. - Jose Marty
