
2023-10-19 05:03   geyange.com


移风易俗,transform social traditions

1)transform social traditions移风易俗

1.The Returned Students and transform social traditions during end of Qing dynasty and beginning of the Republic of China;留学生与清末民初的移风易俗


1.The culturalizing process of 'wind' and gestation of 'transforming social traditions' policies in pre-Qin music从“风”到风俗――论“风”的文化化历程与先秦音乐“移风易俗”政策之酝酿

2.The old backward habits and customs will be changed, and a scientific and civilized life-style will be promoted in those areas.移风易俗,倡导科学文明的生活方式。

3.Scholar-Bureaucrats and the Change of Old Habits and Customs in Southwestern and Lingnan Regions During the Tang and Song Dynasties;唐宋士大夫与西南、岭南地区的移风易俗

4.Transforming Social Traditions: A Proposition in the Ancient Chinese Aesthetic Ideology;“移风易俗”:中国古代的审美意识形态命题

5.The Reforming of Customs and the Replacement of Symbol: Controversies upon Ceremonies of the Xianying Temple of Ninghua during the Ming and Qing Periods;移风易俗与象征替代:明清宁化显应庙的祭礼之争

6.Transformation of Prevailing Social Habits and Customs from the Prospective of Cultural Sociology--Taking Guangxi in the 1930s China for Example;文化社会学视野下的移风易俗――以20世纪30年代的广西为例

7.Imperial Examination and Transformation of Social Tradition in the Qing Dyasty--Taking "Historical Literature on Imperial Examination in the Mid-late of Qian-long Period" as Center;士习文风:清代的科举考试与移风易俗――以《乾隆中晚期科举考试史料》为中心

8.Family planning is also a reform of social custom and cannot possibly be carried out just by administrative orders.计划生育又是一场移风易俗的社会变革,决不是仅靠行政命令就可以做到的。

9.True, to change a custom is not easy.确实,要改变一种风俗习惯并不容易。

10.Custom makes all things easy.根据风俗习惯使所有的事情易办。

11.Construction of Spiritual Civilization in the Socialist New Countryside and Changes of Social Folk Customs;新农村精神文明建设与社会民俗的移易

12.Risk Transfer and Ownership Transfer in International Trade;国际贸易中的风险转移与所有权转移

13.In course of time old customs and oBservances tend to fall into neglect.随着时间的推移,旧风俗习惯有被忽略的趋势。

14.Qing Dynasty Three Gorges Immigrant in Eastern Sichuan Province and Three Gorges Folk Custom’s Evolution;清代川东三峡移民与三峡民间风俗的嬗变

15.The Immigration and Transfer of Social Customs of Shaannan Area in Qing Dynasty;清代移民与陕西汉水流域民间风俗的嬗变

16.wind in the upper atmosphere blowing above but in the opposite direction from the trade winds.在大气上层移动的风,风向和贸易风相反。

17.With the lapse of time, the genre can express the features of times, a nation and a region even the spirit of them best.风俗与世推移,风俗画在诸画种当中,当然最 能道出时代与民族、区域的面貌以至精神了。

18.The method of evidence fusion in the risk evaluation of mobile commerce trade;移动商务交易风险评估的证据融合法

transforming social traditions移风易俗

1.In the ancient Chinese society, transforming social traditions was a subject of political instruction to which both the rulers and the thinkers paid much attention at all times.“移风易俗”是中国古代的审美意识形态命题 ,它在古代美学史上的发展可分为四期 :先秦 ,荀子基于性恶论 ,主张以音乐和谐情感的作用 ,弥补礼义强扭人性的刻意、划一之偏 ,首次提出具有鲜明意识形态性的移风易俗命题 ;秦汉之际 ,《乐记》从理论上进一步突出了命题的意识形态性 ,而《吕氏春秋》、《淮南子》以道家思想修正并重新解释了该命题 ;到汉代 ,由于谶纬迷信的泛滥 ,命题的意识形态性在董仲舒《春秋繁露》中被相应地神学化 ,后经《白虎通》的阐释 ,该命题被正式颁布为官方意识形态 ;魏晋时期 ,嵇康从道家自然人性论出发 ,否定了音乐移风易俗的道德性、神学性及政教性 ,弱化了命题的意识形态

3)To change customs and usages易风移俗

4)Practices and Traditions Reforming Office移风易俗办公室


1.The fod and drink customs for people in Qing dynasty is the basic element in China;s Qing dynasty.清人的饮食风俗,是清代社会生活风俗体系的基本“元素”与重要构成部分,而清人的饮食结构与方式、百姓的饮食生活、它们的发展与演变,既是体现各历史时期物质与精神文明程度的重要标志,更是展示清人社会生活风貌演进变革历程与轨迹的活“窗口”。

2.The article explorel the decoration culture of Chinese ancient ships according to colorful paintings, sculpture, ships flags and customs, etc.船饰文化是中国古船研究中重要的组成部分 ,本文从船舶彩绘、雕刻艺术、船旗和风俗等方面对船饰文化进行一些分析与论

3.In Jiajing and Wanli periods of the Ming Dynasty,social customs had changed greatly in Yuyao area,Zhejiang province.明嘉靖万历时浙江绍兴府余姚地区的社会风俗变化很大,并深刻影响到生活方式以及人们的观念。


1.On the Customs and Impacts of the Palace Banquet in the Tang Dynasty;试论唐代宫廷宴饮风俗及其影响

2.“the Book of Songs”becomes words and famous thing of village community custom and does in the test;《诗经》成词与村社风俗名物考

