
2023-10-08 13:20


社会责任感,social responsibility

1)social responsibility社会责任感

1.Review about impacting factors in formation of college students social responsibility in United States;美国大学生社会责任感形成影响因素研究

2.The college should strengthen the cultivation of the university student s social responsibility;高校要加强大学生社会责任感的培养

3.The Absence of Social Responsibility of College Students and Cultivation;大学生社会责任感的缺失及其培养


1.There are those who don't parade their sense of social responsibility, yet it doesn't follow that they are totally devoid of the civic virtues, though some of them might indeed be totally devoid.不把社会责任感挂嘴上的,有的未必没有社会责任感,有的也确实没有社会责任感。

2.And then there are those who spew all that cant about social commitment, but it doesn't follow that they are paragons of civic virtues, though you can't rule out that there may be some among their number who are indeed public-minded.把社会责任感挂嘴上的,有的确实有社会责任感,有的也未必有社会责任感。

3.Intellectuals should further strengthen their sense of responsibility for society.知识分子要进一步增加社会责任感。

4.Commit to diversity and social responsibility.注意保持多样化及社会责任感。

5.7.Commit to diversity and social responsibility.7.注意保持多样化及社会责任感。

6.These cultivated individuals have been imbued with a sense of social purpose.这些有教养的人满怀着社会责任感。

7.The Education of Social Responsibility in Inquiry Study;研究性学习中学生社会责任感的培养

8.Society Sense of Responsibility Existence Question and Countermeasure on University Student;大学生社会责任感存在的问题及对策

9.The Practice and Thinking in Cultivating the Sense of Social Responsibility of Senior High School Students;培养高中生社会责任感的实践与思考

10.Causes of and measures for the weakening of college students sense of social responsibility;大学生社会责任感淡化的成因及对策

11.Contemporary Arts Loss of Sense of Social Responsibility and Remodeling;当代艺术家社会责任感的缺失与重塑

12.Sense of Social Responsibility of Students Major in Pre-school Education;学前教育专业学生社会责任感的培养

13.On Causes of the Weakening of College Students Sense of Social Responsibitity;大学生社会责任感弱化的原因及对策

14.Defect of Present-Day College Students Sense of Social Responsibility : Its Solution;当代大学生社会责任感的缺失与构建

15.The college should strengthen the cultivation of the university student s social responsibility;高校要加强大学生社会责任感的培养

16.On Education of Contemporary College Students Social Responsibility;论当代大学生社会责任感教育的价值

17.An Analysis on the Cultivation of Contemporary Student Youths Sense of Social Responsibility;浅析当代青年学生社会责任感的培养

18.An Analysis and Training of Normal College Students Social Responsibility;师范生社会责任感的现状分析与培养

sense of social responsibility社会责任感

1.Causes of and measures for the weakening of college students sense of social responsibility;大学生社会责任感淡化的成因及对策

2.Development of the sense of social responsibility in vocational colleges新形势下高职学生社会责任感浅析

3.In regard to university students lack of sense of social responsibility at present,the article analyzes its causes and puts forward a few measures to enhance their sense of social responsibility in the web environment.根据我国当前很多大学生社会责任感不强的实际情况,分析了大学生社会责任感不强的表现,提出了在网络环境下提高当代学生社会责任感的方法,并在此基础上展开调查和研究。

3)education on social responsibility社会责任感教育

4)socia land moral responsibility社会道德责任感

5)social and historical sense社会历史责任感

6)social responsibility社会责任

1.Construction of social responsibility and sustainable competitiveness of sports product corporations;体育用品企业社会责任与可持续竞争力构建

2.Energy conservation and discharge reduction―the practice and development of papermaking industry’s social responsibility;节能减排――造纸业社会责任的实践与发展――在第八届亚洲浆纸产业前景展望大会上的主旨演讲

3.Sense of social responsibility of chemical enterprises to be strengthened;加强化工企业的社会责任感

社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being  定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决  
