有关成长的英文句子 关于成长的英语句子

2023-09-06 20:19   geyange.com


1. As we grow older, we tend to become more practical and less idealistic. 随着我们年龄的增长,我们变得更加实际,理想变得越来越少。

2. Growth only comes from stepping outside of your comfort zone. 只有走出舒适区才能成长。

3. We make mistakes to learn and grow, not to be punished. 我们犯错是为了学习和成长,而不是为了被惩罚。

4. Growth requires patience, perseverance, and an open mind. 成长需要耐心、毅力和开放的心态。

5. Life's challenges are opportunities for growth and self-discovery. 生活中的挑战是成长和自我发现的机会。

6. We learn more from our failures than our successes. 我们从失败中学到的比成功中学到的更多。

7. Growth isn't always easy, but it's always worth it. 成长并不总是容易的,但总是值得的。

8. You don't have to be perfect to grow and improve. 你不必完美才能成长和改进。

9. Sometimes the most painful experiences lead to the biggest growth. 有时候最痛苦的经历会带来最大的成长。

10. Growth requires taking risks and trying new things. 成长需要冒险尝试新事物。

11. It's never too late to start growing and learning. 开始成长和学习从来没有太晚的时候。

12. Growth includes accepting and learning from criticism. 成长包括接受和从批评中学习。

13. You have the power to choose how you respond to growth opportunities. 你有权选择如何回应成长机会。

14. Growth is a lifelong journey, not a destination. 成长是一生的旅程,而不是终点。

15. Growth requires self-reflection and examining your own biases and assumptions. 成长需要自我反思和检查自己的偏见和假设。

16. The most successful people are those who never stop growing and learning. 最成功的人是那些从未停止成长和学习的人。
