
2023-07-01 19:20   geyange.com



1. 月到中秋分外明, 每逢佳节倍思亲。

Translation: The moon is especially bright on Mid-Autumn Festival, and every holiday makes us miss our loved ones even more.

2. 明月几时有,把酒问青天。

Translation: When will the bright moon appear? With a cup of wine in hand, I ask the clear sky.

3. 但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。

Translation: May we all live long and share the beauty of the moon together, even if we are thousands of miles apart.

4. 天上月圆人在旁,不寂寞,不独伤。

Translation: With the full moon in the sky and loved ones by our side, we never feel lonely or sad.

5. 月满西楼,清辉如洗。

Translation: The moon is full over the western tower, and its clear light washes over everything.

6. 皎皎白月,映照人间。

Translation: The bright and shining moon reflects on the world below.

7. 盼君不负相思意, 长在梦魂里。

Translation: I hope you won't disappoint my longing, which has been with me in my dreams.

8. 今夕何夕,见此良人。

Translation: On this night, I meet my beloved.

