新学期英语励志名言 新学期的英语励志名言60句个

2023-04-24 03:07   geyange.com


关于”新学期的励志名言60句“的英语句子33个,句子主体:60 inspirational quotes for the new semester。

英文句子模板1:60 inspirational quotes for the new semester

1、The subjects in the study were 60 non-English majors of 2007 in Liren College of Yanshan University. 实验对象来自燕山大学里仁学院,60名2007级非英语专业学生。

2、Felipe Castillo, 60, mayor of Los Olivos, is investing tax proceeds in a new low-tuition munil university for 4, 000 students. 洛斯-奥利弗斯市长,xx岁的费利佩·卡斯蒂略(Felipe Castillo)正将当地税收投资于建造一座新的市立大学。这所大学将可容纳4000名学生,学费较低。

3、Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.Marie Curie 生活中没有什么可怕的东西,只有需要理解的东西。

4、Move-in day for the 415 freshmen was Saay. 415名新生的入学日是在星期六。

5、Be wisely worldly, be not worldly wise.———Francis Quarles 要善于处世,不要老于世故。

6、Recently named the best neighbourhood in New York City (out of 60) by New York magazine, Park Slope boasts streets of handsome brownstones, trendy shops and great restaurants. 公园坡近日被《New York》杂志提名为纽约市(从 60 个地区中提名而出)最佳居住地,它以自身拥有的美丽赤褐色砂石街、新潮商店和高档饭店而自豪不已。

7、Scientists tested 58 healthy volunteers between the ages of 19 and 60 for their cerebral responses to mental stress. 科学家测试了58名从xx岁到xx岁的健康的志愿者的大脑对于精神性应激的反应。

8、Retired engineer, 60+ years young. Computer builder and programmer. Linguist specialising in language acquisition and computational linguistics... 退休工程师,xx岁以上的年轻人, 计算机制造者和程序员,专门研究语言习得和计算语言学的语言学家...。

9、Sign up for a FREE 60-day trial of the new 2007 Office release by visiting Microsoft Office Online. 报名申请免费60天试用新办公室发布了xx年…

10、On the other hand, it also discusses nothing being existence, which differs from Buddhism and Laozi. The Yangming doctrine, symbolized by the so-called four-sent… 以四句教为标志的阳明学说是三教融合的新阶段,也是宋明理学的新发展。

11、We've published more than 2800 magazines in our 55-year history – which one had the best cover? 在《新科学家》杂志xx年的历史中,已出版了2800多期杂志 – 哪期拥有最佳封面呢?

12、One , choppy and periodic academic mutation is talked is the theory of a kind of maths that appears in 60 time later period. 突变周期理论突变论是在xx年代后期出现的一种数学理论。

13、Project bidding period is max 60 days, but I will immediately award the right freelancer. Thanks! 工程招投标期限最多60天,但我将立即奖励的权利自由职业者。谢谢!

14、Thoughtfulness is the first skill one should learn.———Lv Kun 肯替别人想,是第一学问。

15、Itis a quasi-experiment conducted on the culture teaching to 60 Chinese non-English majors in the English cl for 17 weeks, who are divided into experimental group and control group. 受试者为教育背景和外语水平相似的60名非英语专业大学新生,分为实验组和控制组。

16、During the vacation, Nepal volunteers Council offers you alternative activities such as learning Nepali language, culture & tradition, and visiting places of interest. 在寒假期间,尼泊尔的志愿者会为您提供学习尼泊尔语,如语言,文化和传统,参观名胜古迹的替代活动。

17、In the Chinese wing, a pair of dedicated teachers provides various language courses for about 60 students. 在中国一翼,两位专门的老师为大概60名学生提供各种语言课程。

18、Our cl consists of 60 students. 我们班由60名学生组成。

19、Journal of Audiology and Speech Patholog… 听力学及言语疾病杂志。

20、Ai's probe, conducted with a team of about 60 volunteers, has identified 5, 205 students so far. 艾未未和他大约60人的志愿者队伍进行了调查,到目前为止,已经查明了5205名学生的身份。

21、Escalation of commitment of 60 entrepreneurs and 60 top and mid-level managers in completing a new-product-development decision task was investigated. 为研究创业者在创业行动中的承诺升级行为特征,采用新产品开发决策任务,考察60名创业者和60名中高层管理者承诺升级行为。

22、An award-winning faculty teaches cles that average 60 people in electives and 79 in core courses. 一名得到表彰的教师为平均60人或者79人组成的班级教授核心课程。这60名学生是精选出来的。

23、By the mid-1960s, Rooney's name was a familiar credit at the end of CBS News programs. 在20世纪xx年代中期,鲁尼的名字总是不断出现在CBS新闻节目片尾的字幕名单中,已经愈加被人熟悉。

24、The research appears in the latest issue of the Journal of Neuroscience. 研究结果公布在了最新一期的《神经科学杂志》上。

25、This department was established in 1946 and is medium-sized, with an undergraduate intake of 60 students per year, and 60+ postgraduates enrolled at any period. 该学院建于xx年,中等规模,每年招60名本科生,每学年都吸收60多名研究生。


26、The rise of the new faction marked the history of Western history to a new historical period. 新史学派的兴起标志着西方史学发展到了一个新的历史时期。

27、The new research is published online in the German scientific journal Naturwissenschaften. 这项新的研究成果发表在德国在线科学杂志《自然科学期刊》上。

28、The man who has made up his mind to win will never say "impossible ".Bonaparte Napoleon 凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说"不可能的"。

29、He has had an asteroid named after him and received honorary doctorates from Stockholm University and University of Helsinki. He was also featured in Time Magazine's "60 Years of Heroes." 为表扬他的突出贡献,有一颗小行星以他的名字命名,并获得来自瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学和芬兰赫尔辛基大学的荣誉博士学位,还被时代杂志称为“xx年代的英雄”。

30、To accomplish something is the “supreme state of life”.———(Germany) Engels 有所作为是“生活中的最高境界”。

31、Middle School Prinl, Ishinomaki, Japan, said, "350 students have registered for the new semester. 日本宫城县中学校长说:“新学期有350名学生报名。

32、220 students have been admitted into universities this year, account for 60 percent of all the Ss in Senior 3. 今年我校有220名学生被大学录取,占我校高三学生的60%。

33、Method 60 superior students and 77 inferior students were investigated by Toronto Alexithymia Scale(TAS). 方法以多伦多述情障碍量表(TAS)对60名成绩优秀的学生和77名成绩差的学生进行测评。

34、In new-age Chinese literature, there emerged a lot of language variations in the field of literary language. 中国新时期文学,在文学语言领域相对集中地出现了大量的变异语言。

35、Socio-linguistics is an interdisciplinary subject, which came into existence in the mid-1960s. It focuses on various linguistic differences and various social factors resulting in these differences. 社会语言学是上世纪xx年代中期兴起的一门边缘学科,研究各种语言差异和造成差异的各种社会因素。

36、The new style school and conferring honors or ranks to students were new things which appeared in the late period of Qing Dynasty. 新式学堂和奖励出身制度是清末时期的新生事物。就出现的时间而言,新式学堂较奖励出身制度略早地登上了历史的舞台;

37、They have trouble engaging students on campus. Many remedial cles (60 percent of students need them) are a joke, often because expectations are too low. 他们几乎没有什么工作信息,他们也不能做到鼓励学生呆在学校完成学业,许多辅导班(60%的学生需要他们)像是在搞笑,这往往是因为预期值太低了。

38、After age 60 osteoporosis becomes much more common, particularly for women who have gone through the menopause. 对xx岁以上的人而言患骨质疏松症更为常见,尤其是女性过了更年期以后。

39、Each semester, the top 30 percent of students in each cl are recognized for their excellent achievements and awarded with a certificate. 每学期各班成绩在前30%的同学名单如下﹐将颁奖状一张﹐以资鼓励。

40、Ming Dynasty famous Chronicles scientist called Pan's constant, and lived for decades in Huangshan, wrote a 60-volume tome - Huangshan Mountain Books, the title is called "Yellow Sea". 明朝有位著名的史志学家叫潘之恒,在黄山住了几xx年,写了一部60卷的大部头书--黄山山志,书名就叫《黄海》。

41、Thandiwe refused to accept this and led 60 other children in walking to find another school. 她拒绝接受这一事实,带着其他60名同学步行寻找另一间学校。

42、By 2001, the 60, 000 volunteers had collected around 150, 000 volumes for BookEnds. 截至xx年,60000名志愿者已为BookEnds募集到了近15000册书。

43、A level 60 player would only get 55% of the bonus, while a level 70 would get 47%. 一个60级的玩家将只能获得55%的奖励,而到了70级你就只能得到47%的奖励了。

44、There are four stages in the course of the disease: the 5-year survival rate of stage I CRC is about 90%, stage II is about 60-80%, stage III is about 30-60 %. 就其肿瘤分期而言,第一期的xx年存活率约为90%,第二期的xx年存活率约为60-80%,第三期的xx年存活率则约为30-60%,若是有远端转移的病患,则其xx年存活率却只有5%;

45、Subjects involved in this study were 60 first year CPA (Certified Public Accountant) students from two intact cles at Wuhan Technical College of Communications. 实验中涉及的60名受试者是武汉交通职业学院05级注册会计师班的大一新生。

46、So this is the cover of the New England Journal of Medicine, one of the most famous and influential medical journals in the world. 这是新英格兰医学杂志的封面,它是世界上最负盛名,最有影响力的医学期刊

47、By contrast, only 60 percent to 70 percent of China’s current high-school-age students are in high school. 相比而言,在中国目前只有60%~70%高中年龄段学生上高中。

48、Based on a research project, the researcher examined 60 high school students'beliefs of language-and-culture learning by means of a questionnaire and interviews. 作者对60名高中生进行问卷调查并对部分同学进行采访,对他们在语言文化学习方面的看法以及文化导入对英语教学的影响进行了调查。

49、Each Journal is 60-80 pages long. 每个日志有60到80页长。

50、Present at the briefing were over 60 journalists from home and abroad and information officials from foreign embies in China. 60余名中外记者和部分驻华使馆新闻官出席。


51、The back numbers of scientific magazines usually cost much more than the new ones. 各期过期的科学杂志通常比新的更贵。

52、Time waited nearly 60 years for its second red-`X` cover. 《时代》杂志等了近xx年,才等来了这次刊登新的“大红叉”封面的机会。

53、The Probability Web - Phil Pollett; Dept. of Mathematics, Univ. of Queensland, Australia. 澳大利亚昆士兰大学数学系的在线期刊——《新应用概率学杂志》。

54、The research is published in the current issue of the prestigious scientific journal, Science. 这项研究发表在最新一期的在科学界享有盛誉的《科学》杂志上。

55、NEW DELHI – A four-story building collapsed in a congested neighborhood in New Delhi Monday, killing at least 32 people and injuring 60 others, a top police official said. 新德里——四层高的大楼星期一在新德里的一个拥挤住宅区倒塌,造成至少32人死亡,60人受伤,一名警方高级官员说。

56、It is not enough to have a good mind. The main thing is to use it well. Descartes 仅仅有好头脑还不够,重要的是要善于使用它。

57、Caterpillar added 19,008 employees (excluding acquisitions) last year; 60% of those were overseas. 卡特霹雳去年xx年增加了19,008名新员工(包括兼并);其中60%都来自海外。

58、Mongolia will invite 60 students from the quake-hit area in Qinghai to recuperate in Mongolia. 蒙方邀请60名青海玉树地震灾区学生来蒙休养。





