疫情有关的英语句子 关于疫情的英语作文句子个

2023-04-19 06:03   geyange.com


关于”疫情的句子“的英语句子48个,句子主体:Epidemic sentences。

英文句子模板1:Epidemic sentences

1、The H1N1 influenza virus, which caused the 2009 pandemic, continues to circulate in some parts of the world, causing variable levels of disease and outbreaks. H1N1流感病毒引起了xx年流感大流行,该病毒会继续在世界上的一些地区传播,造成不同程度的发病和疫情。

2、OBJECTIVE To discuss the epidemical character and the cause of an outbreak of water-born bacillary dysentery. 目的通过对一起水源性细菌性痢疾爆发疫情的流行病学调查分析,探讨疫情发生的原因。

3、The study addresseds the impact of preventive inventions on the health and quality of life of patients in the target population. 方法 利用在疫区现场进行流行病学考核的资料 ,评价疫苗免疫预防对于健康和人群生存质量的影响。

4、The second case was an 18 year old male identified during an outbreak investigation between 11-14 February. 第二位病例为xx月11-xx日进行疫情调查时发现的一名xx岁男子。

5、Conclusions The number of outbreaks of communicable diseases in 2010 was significantly reduced compared to 2009. 结论深圳市xx年传染病暴发疫情较xx年起数下降明显,流行特征亦有所区别。

6、Objective To reveal the epidemic condition of adenovirus infection in the elementary schools of Yangjian city, and to improve the control of the disease. 目的了解阳江市某小学儿童腺病毒感染暴发的流行特征及病因,为控制疫情提供依据。

7、After clinical, epidemiological and laboratory investigation, the GOARN mission confirmed two yellow fever cases. 在进行临床、流行病学和实验室调查之后,全球疫情警报与反应网络访问团证实了两例黄热病。

8、Objective To evaluate the epidemiological efficiency of large-scale field trial of whole cell leptospira vaccine. 目的评价钩端螺旋体疫苗大面积人群免疫的流行病学效果。

9、WHO is also compiling outbreak and surveillance databases, and is broadening its epidemic surveillance capacity to include foodborne disease outbreaks. 世卫组织还在汇编疫情和监测数据库,并且正在扩大其流行监测能力以包括食源性疾病疫情。

10、Malnutrition exists side-by-side with high rates of obesity. Neglected tropical diseases co-exist with chronic diseases, and outbreaks of emerging and epidemic-e diseases. 既有营养不良,又有高比率肥胖症,既有被忽视的热带病,也有慢性病,还有新出现和有流行倾向的疾病疫情。

11、Tests of the 2009 H1N1 pandemic vaccine show that, unlike antibodies, cell-mediated immunity to seasonal H1N1 may help protect against the pandemic virus. H1N1大流行疫苗试验表明,与季节H1N1不同的抗体、细胞介导免疫性,可以帮助保护抵抗大流行病毒。

12、The pandemic influenza vaccines are not expected to provide protection against other influenza viruses. 未期望大流行性流感疫苗针对其它流感病毒提供保护。

13、In high risk areas where vaccination coverage is low, prompt recognition and control of outbreaks through immunization is critical to prevent epidemics. 在疫苗接种覆盖率低的高危地区,及时识别并通过免疫接种来控制疫情,对预防疾病流行至关重要。

14、An outbreak can become a more severe epidemic if the infection is carried into an area populated with both domestic mosquitoes and unvaccinated people. 如果在感染传入的地区中有家居环境中的蚊子生存,而人又没有接种过疫苗,疾病疫情就可能成为一种较为严重的疾病流行。

15、The need for additional rounds of m oral polio vaccine (OPV) immunization will be based on an ongoing evaluation of epidemiological and laboratory data. 是否有必要进行更多轮次的口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗大规模免疫接种活动,将以正在进行的流行病学和实验室数据评估情况作为根据。

16、Popular Fujian area epidemic disease Qing dynasty condition has judging from now available data as follows characteristic:Popular time of epidemic disease happens muchly in summer; 福建地区清代疫病的流行情况从现有资料来看有如下特点:疫病流行时间多发生于夏季;

17、The international team is also isting in conducting retrospective epidemiological studies to further characterize the outbreak. 国际小组还在协助开展回顾性流行病学研究以进一步确定疫情的特征。

18、Unfortunately, surveys show the majority of individuals never tuck their pants into their socks when entering tick-infested areas. 遗憾的是,调查显示,大多数人进入疫病流行区,从不将裤脚塞入袜子。

19、The vaccine proved safe and a close match with circulating virus. 疫苗经证明是安全的,与流行病毒高度匹配。

20、Different attenuated strains of mumps virus are used for the development of live attenuated mumps vaccines. 不同的减毒流行性腮腺炎病毒株用于制备流行性腮腺炎减毒活疫苗。

21、In the post-pandemic period, cases and outbreaks due to the H1N1 (2009) virus are expected to continue to occur. 在大流行后期,预计由H1N1病毒引起的病例和疫情将会继续发生。

22、Conclusion: The pathogen of this epidemic outbreak of disease in cultural crawfish is WSSV. 结论:本次引发养殖小龙虾疫病爆发流行的病原体是WSSV。

23、The Black Death is the modern name given to the deadly epidemic disease spread by rat fleas across Europe in the 14th century. 黑死病是指由鼠疫蚤传播的致命的淋巴腺鼠疫,是流行疾病,在14世纪传播了到欧洲。

24、Healthcare workers are a top priority for vaccination because they can infect vulnerable people and because their services are vital in a pandemic. 医护人员自当优先接种疫苗,因为他们易传染给弱势人群(比如病人),其次流感疫情大流行期间,他们的工作非常重要。

25、These decisions are made based on the epidemiology and public health importance of the diseases and the available resources for effective use of a specific vaccine in the programme. 在决策时需要考虑疾病在流行病学和公共卫生中的重要性,以及是否有足够的资源开展有效的疫苗免疫接种。


26、As the experts have long advised, the ideal vaccine would be one that protects against seasonal influenza viruses as well as a range of candidate pandemic viruses. 早就向专家们提出过建议,理想的疫苗将是能防范季节性流感病毒以及一系列候选大流行性病毒的疫苗。

27、There were 204 epidemics of 12 species, of which 49 caused plagues. 宋代发生流行型疫病204次,12个种类,其中引起疫灾49次。

28、Genetic and antigenic studies of circulating viruses also help ensure that work on the development of a pandemic vaccine stays on track. 对正在流行的病毒进行的基因和抗原研究也有助于确保研制流行病疫苗的工作稳步进行。

29、Researchers are gambling that the pandemic flu virus will at least resemble H5N1, and that a vaccine based on the virus circulating now will provide some protection. 科学家正在把宝押在流感大流行病毒至少会与H5N1病毒相似,并且根据目前流行的病毒制成的疫苗对于未来的大流行也有效上面。

30、The hope is to develop a vaccine that could give lifelong protection againstthea majority of flu viruses, including bird flu. 他们希望能发明一种流感疫苗,此疫苗可以对大多数的流感病毒(包括流感病毒)提供终身免疫。

31、To comprehend the features of STD epidemic from 1990 to 1999 in Shijingshan District of Beijing. 目的准确了解石景山区性病疫情,掌握其流行趋势和特征。

32、Methods Field epidemiology and serological investigation made. Results It was the first outbreak of epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis caused by group C Neisseria meningitidis in Maoming. 方法采用现场流行病学、血清学调查的方法对在学校发生的流行性脑脊髓膜炎疫情进行调查分析。

33、Court that has partly or completely executed the judgment should provide status of executed judgment upon requirement of the other court. 已经部分或者全部执行判决的法院应当根据对方法院的要求提供已执行判决的情况。

34、Who is the Arch-criminal of Epidemic Disease? 谁是疫病流行的罪魁祸首。

35、In other words, it would be inaccurate to speak of an epidemic of popularity. 换句话说,讲“一种普遍流行的流行病“并不精确。

36、Objective To survey an outbreak of paratyphoid A in a middle school of Lingchuan County in 2004. 目的分析一起学校甲型副伤寒暴发疫情的流行病学特点及暴发原因。

37、That could spark a disease pandemic because humans do not have immunity to this influenza strain. 那样就可能爆发一场流行病,因为人类对这种流感病毒还没有免疫力。

38、This article reviews some progresses of Rubella virus about its molecular bionomics, molecular epidemiology and vaccine application. 本文对风疹病毒的分子生物学特性、 分子流行病学及疫苗应用近况进行了综述。

39、If molecular ays could distinguish wild-type from vaccine strains of the mumps virus, it would improve the quality control of existing and future vaccines. 如果分子学测定能区分流行性腮腺炎的野生型病毒和疫苗株病毒,则能改进现有(以及将来的)疫苗的质量控制工作。

40、Cholera epidemics regularly resurge in Guinea-Bissau. 几内亚比绍经常流行霍乱疫情。

41、Thee Black Death is the modern name given to the deadly bubonic plague, an epidemic diseasespread by rat fleas across Europe in the 14th century. 黑死病是指由鼠疫蚤传播的致命的淋巴腺鼠疫,是一种流行行疾病,在14世纪传播了到欧洲。

42、Methods Cohort study was carried out among the prevalence and water contact of residents, and longitudinal study was undertaken for prevalence of water buffaloes and snails dynamics. 方法居民病情和疫水接触史进行队列研究,家畜病情和螺情进行纵向调查。

43、Conclusion The spatial, temporal and population distribution of HFRS was consistent with epidemiological characteristics of the disease. 结论 朝阳市HFRS疫情的三间分布符合家鼠型HFRS的流行病学特征;

44、To identify the infection route, to prevent the spread of the disease, the Ministry of Agriculture set up the highly pathogenic avian influenza outbreak investigation team. 为查明感染路径,防止疫情蔓延,农林水产省成立了高致病性禽流感疫情调查组。

45、What is a pandemic? 什么叫特大流行疫情?

46、Epidemics of infectious disease can escalate into pandemics, but do not always do so. 传染性疾病的流行能够升级至大流行疫情,但也不总是这样。

47、The 2007 report uses a more robust methodology, which allows a better essment of the dynamics of this epidemic. xx年的疫情报告采用了更加完善的方法,这使我们更好地评估了疾病流行的动态情况。

48、Temperature is a very important factor for the epidemic of disease. 温度是影响晚疫病流行的重要因子。

49、Intranasal influenza virus vaccine 经鼻接种的流感病毒疫苗

50、Analysis was conducted on the data of 19 kinds of acute cl B infectious diseases from 1963 to 2005 with the method of descriptive epidemiology. 利用描述流行病学方法,对山东省1963~xx年19种乙类急性传染病疫情资料进行分析。


51、The strains that are most prevalent in the population will be used to develop flu vaccine for the following season. 根据测试当前的流感病毒可能在人群中流行的趋势,再选用相应的流感病毒疫苗进行预防注射于流行季节之前。

52、A pandemic caused by a virus that kills more than 60% of the people it infects is strikingly, and fortunately, very different from the reality of the current pandemic. 而幸运的是,造成高达60%以上感染者死亡的病毒引发的大流行与本次大流行疫情现状截然不同。

53、This decision was based primarily on epidemiological data demonstrating sustained human-to-human transmission and the ability of the virus to cause community-level outbreaks. 这是因为流行病学数据证实了该病毒可在人与人之间传染,而且病毒会导致社区范围的疫情爆发。

54、Several prominent epidemiologists are warning that even though the new swine flu vaccine works much better than expected, it will still come too late to blunt the peak of this season's pandemic. 几位权威流行病学家发出警告,尽管新的猪流感疫苗效果远超预期,但疫苗出现得太迟,在这个季节将无法阻挡疫情在全(美)国爆发。

55、Objective To explore epidemiological characteristics of Norovirus enteritis outbreaks in Hangzhou . 目的分析杭州市诺如病毒肠炎暴发疫情流行特征。

56、Methods Analyzed the information of other infectious diarrheas in our city using descriptive epidemiology method. 方法利用描述流行病学方法分析我市其它感染性腹泻病疫情资料。

57、Vaccines effective against a pandemic virus are not yet available. 可有效预防大流行病毒的疫苗尚未问世。

58、Hook end spirochetosis further epidemiological 1. Marmota himalayana type, distribution, features; 2. 钩端螺旋体病深入流行病学调查1。疫源地类型、分布、特征;

59、However, as her clinical course was compatible with H5N1 infection, epidemiologists at the outbreak site include this woman as the initial case in the cer. 但是,由于其临床过程与H5N1感染相一致,在疫情地点的流行病学家们将该名妇女列为该病例群集的最初病例。

60、Influenza vaccination is most effective when circulating viruses are well-matched with vaccine viruses. 当流行病毒与疫苗病毒很一致时,接种流感疫苗最有效。

61、It is concluded that schistosomiasis status is stable in Zhejiang province, however, the prevalence factor for re-emerging of schistosomiasis is still in existence. 结论浙江省血吸虫病疫情稳定,但流行条件仍然存在。
