关于积累的名言英语 英语经典句子积累

2023-04-17 05:02   geyange.com




If you do things in March or April, there will be answers in August and September.


——网易云音乐《something just like this》热评(这句话很美,每次读完都想努力)

When you recite words, Alaska's cod is jumping out of the water. When you count math, the seagulls on the other side of the Pacific flutter across the city. When you study yourself late, the night sky on the polar circle is colorful, but do n’t worry, teenager.When you work hard for your future, those who you never see, those who you do n’t think you will meet for life, are walking towards you step by step.


Even if you fail a hundred times, do n’t regret it.-Higashino Keigo


The direction of the headwind is more suitable for flying.I ’m not afraid of thousands of people blocking, I ’m just afraid of surrendering myself


The past belongs to the god of death, the future belongs to you


The most difficult time, when we are not far from success


Those who have made great achievements in ancient times not only have the talents of the world, but also must have perseverance.

8.拿望远镜看别人,拿放大镜看自己。—— 佚名

Look at someone with a telescope and look at yourself with a magnifying glass.


When your eyes are dark, do n’t be afraid because you are the luminous body

10.当你打算放弃梦想时,告诉自己再多撑一天,一个星期,一个月,再多撑一年吧,你会发现,拒绝退场的结果令人惊讶 ——尼克·胡哲《人生不设限》

When you plan to give up your dreams, tell yourself to support one more day, one week, one month, and one more year. You will find that the result of refusing to leave is surprising
