
2024-07-17 08:30   geyange.com


1、你走了有7年,7年来我一直等待着希望你不再回来,每一年我都给自己放假去佛罗伦萨,在阿尔诺河畔喝咖啡,每一个良宵我都坐下点一杯Fernet Branca,幻想着,我朝对面的桌子看过去,在人群中看见你带着妻子,或许还带着孩子,你我彼此不用言语,但我们都明白,你过得很好,很快乐,我从不希望你再回哥谭,我一直都清楚这里除了苦痛悲哀再没有什么可以给你,我希望你拥有得更多,我依然这样想。

You were gone seven years.Seven years l waited, hoping that you wouldn't come back. Every year, l took a holiday. I went to Florence. There's this cafe on the banks of the Arno.Every fine evening l'd sit there and order a Fernet Branca. l had this fantasy...that l would look across the tables...and l'd see you there,with a wife.Maybe a couple of kids. You wouldn't say anything to me,nor me to you. But we'd both know that you'd made it. That you were happy. l never wanted you to come back to Gotham. l always knew there was nothing here for you, except pain and tragedy. And l wanted something more for you than that.l still do.

2、- 现在罪恶又在我们毁灭其之处复燃而起,蝙蝠侠必须归来。

- 如果他已不复存在了呢?

- 他必须回来

- And now there's evil rising from where we tried to bury it. The Batman has to come back.

- What if he doesn't exist anymore?

- He must.


You have a practiced apathy, Mr.Wayne.But a man who doesn't care about the world doesn't spend half his fortune to save it. And isn't so wounded when it fails...that he goes into hiding.

4、- 他可是个英雄啊

- 天下太平谁还需要英雄

- But he's a hero.

- A war hero.This is peacetime.

5、- 现在你开始撮合我跟一个小偷了

- 要是能带你回正常世界的话,就算是母猩猩我都愿意撮合。

- You're trying to set me up with a jewel thief?

- At this point, l'd set you up with a chimpanzee, if it brought you back to the world.

6、- 这是股票交易中心没有钱给你抢

- 真的吗那你们这帮人在这干嘛

- This is a stock exchange. There's no money you can steal.

- Really?Then why are you people here?


One man's tool is another man's weapon.


Bruce,if you want to save the world, you have to start trusting it.


The idea was to be a symbol. Batman could be anybody. That was the point.


Innocence cannot flower underground. It has to be stamped out.


l'm not afraid to be seen standing up to them. The mask is not for you.It's to protect the people you care about.
