英语的霸气句子 霸气的英文句子个

2023-06-02 08:36   geyange.com


关于”霸气的句子“的英语句子27个,句子主体:Domineering sentences。

英文句子模板1:Domineering sentences

1、They always lorded it over others. 他总是对人称王称霸。

2、Insisted on how "domineering" umbrella, and his favorite object, it really pleasant walk in the rain it! 撑着怎么“霸气”的雨伞,和自己心仪的对象,在雨中漫步好不惬意呀!

3、Men should have the quality, strong, brave, but not the lack of humor, the kind of supercilious Baqi. 男人应该具备的素质,坚强,勇敢,而又不缺乏幽默,还有那种目空一切的霸气。

4、China is behaving like a big bully! 中国的行为就是个大土霸!

5、Dude! In San Diego, we would say that car is Kahuna. 我去! 你这货! 在圣地亚哥,我们土话说,那车简直霸气外露。

6、To be frank, you shouldn't have lost your temper like that. 说句掏心的话,你真不该发那么大脾气。

7、Comparing with poems from other states, those by poets from Jin Kingdom show an air of grandeur and a tone of common when communicating with other states. 与它国相比,晋人的赋诗很大气,往往用天下共主的霸气与各诸侯国交流。

8、Constant dripping wears away the stone.锲而不舍,金石可镂。

9、I was in a great mood, glowing and energetic at conferences and razor sharp during my coaching and speaking engagements. 开会的时候我心情舒畅,容光焕发,当教练和做演说时则犀利威武,霸气外露。

10、Spacious and open space, the ultra-large-scale operation area, go casual dining environment, Show Japanese cuisine, the king Baqi. 宽敞开阔的空间,超大规模的经营面积,惬意休闲的就餐环境,尽显日本料理的王者霸气。

11、Three is favorite during world war ii, "the general is desert fox Erwin rommel, " swept the north Africa battlefield tactics of giant, attitudinal blood! 三是最喜欢的二战期间的将领就是隆美尔,“沙漠之狐”,横扫整个北非战场,铁血霸气的战术巨人!

12、Most people will not say me handsome, they usually only said I have you. 一般人都不会说我长的帅,他们通常只会说我生的有霸气。

13、Follow your own course,and let people talk.自己选择的内负担不会觉得重。

14、What you become when you fail at l, bowling, Quake, english, math, Street Fighter Alpha, etc. 你在打台球、打保龄、打Quake、学英语、学数学、打少年街霸时矬掉后的样子。

15、Behavior - How T- Rex acted. 霸王龙的行为举止什么样?

16、Mak 's action as soon as possible! 麦霸们赶快行动吧!

17、"Bawangbian Dance" is the most Bai Folk Dance characteristics Everyone can partite, the more the number, the warm atmosphere, the more spectacular scenes. “霸王鞭舞”最具有白族民间舞蹈特色,老少均可参加,人数越多,气氛越热烈,场面就越壮观。

18、Kitchen, toilet, balcony all facilities, lampblack machine, gas burner, bathtub, shower room, bathroom, faucet, sink, buckle, water heater, disinfecting cabinet. 厨房,卫生间,阳台一切配套设施,油烟机,煤气灶,浴缸,淋浴房,浴霸,水龙头,水槽,热水器,扣板,消毒柜。

19、There is a semantic sentence's opposite of declarative mood vs. subjunctive mood. 上海方言中存在着陈述语气和虚拟语气在句法形式上的对立。

20、In other words, the le gases of the atmosphere are isotopically heavier than those of the sun. 换句话说,这些来自大气的惰性气体同位素率相较那些来自太阳的气体更加重。

21、His thrilling style of play and spectacular goals played a large part in the Blues success in winning two cup finals. 他充满霸气的球风和无以伦比的精彩进球帮助蓝军获得两项杯赛冠军。

22、So I'll just play my part 因此我只要演好我的角色。

23、Korea Kangaroo 100 Franc, air fresheners, South Korea Jia Pa quality wiper, customers are welcome to negotiate! 韩国袋鼠百丽珠、空气清新剂、,南韩佳霸优质雨刮等,欢迎广大客户前来洽谈!

24、Then the citizens captured their unlawful king, cut off his head, and delivered it to the prince. 随后,城民俘获那个霸位之王,砍下其头送交王子。

25、People magazine described the swashbuckling "Pirates of the Caribbean" movie star as "the king of cool with the killer cheekbones". 《人物》杂志评价这位霸气十足、曾出演《加勒比海盗》的男星“具有最酷的面容和迷人的颧骨。”


26、According to the new study, bully binaries form naturally and can each fling out dozens of runaways. 根据新的研究,恶霸双星可以自然形成并且一对恶霸双星可以抛出几十个速逃星。

27、You may be facilitating your boss's combativeness by bowing your head and taking it, rather than speaking up or walking out. 也许你会低头忍受,而不去直言、辞职从而在助长了你的老板的霸气;

28、There are many types of bully bosses. 有许多类型的恶霸老板。

29、Just married man still eager for action, or strong had strong to be another matter. 只是已婚男子还蠢蠢欲动,或强占强霸就另当别论了。

30、Much of my allowance went into that Star Wars machine, Tron and a select few others. 我的零用钱大多花在「星际大战」、「电子争霸战」与其他少数精选的电玩上了。

31、William: This speaker's voice goes down at the end of her question. 说话人的语气在句末降下去了。

32、But T. rex's tail was unique. 霸王龙的尾部是独一无二的。

33、He saw possession of a mighty domineering attitude, it was fascinated, he requested his father to buy one. 他一看到藏獒威猛霸气的雄姿,就被迷住了,请求父亲给他买一条。

34、Super Street Fighter 4 《超级街头霸王4》(PS3/XBOX360

35、And now that he's moved on, he has put forward an unapologetic, forceful account of the toughest decisions he faced. 现在他依然在继续前进。他道出了自己面临艰难抉择时的无怨无悔、霸气十足的心路历程。

36、In this sports event, by Bao Chunlai who showed baldly has split out the recent years unusual aggression. 本次赛事中,以光头示人的鲍春来打出了近年来少有的霸气。

37、Hegemony is one kind of policy that one country in order to conquer other countries and want to be a country of world hegemony. 霸权是一国为征服他国、称霸世界所奉行的一种政策。

38、The king's ambition, good moral more and exquisite craft to both of the unique artistic breath excellent work, is suitable for home decoration, business gifts of the finest wheat. 王者的霸气、美好的寓意更兼精湛的工艺赋予了这两幅佳作独特的艺术气息,是适合家居装饰、商务送礼的上等佳品。

39、Treatment must be different for those who are local tyrants and those who are not, and different also for big, middle and small landlords. 对于恶霸和非恶霸,对于大、中、小地主,在待遇上要有区别。

40、Zhang Jindong with warmth and power has both conservative and radical coexistences and put these kinds of qualities into Suning. 张近东本人乃是温情和霸气、稳健和激进刚柔对立气质并存的雄浑之人,并把这种气质注入了苏宁。

41、This work display the vividness of flames based on the changes in nephrite color and also showcases the mighty dragon and honored pnix. 它以皮色的变化为基础,将火焰的质感动态地表现出来,展现了龙的雄霸之气与凤的富贵之气。

42、Then Hsueh Pa untied a rope from his waist and tied Lin Ch'ung tightly to the tree. 薛霸腰里解下索子来,把林冲连手带脚和枷紧紧地绑在树上。

43、People magazine described the swashbuckling "Pirates of the Caribbean" movie star as "the king of cool with the killer cheekbones". 《人物》杂志评价这位霸气十足、曾出演的男星“具有最酷的面容和迷人的颧骨。”

44、She was too angry to say a word. 她太生气了以致于说不出一句话。

45、Tao yuan the dragon represents the image of a remarkable leadership, and reveals the magnificent manner. 龙的形象,就像是具有气宇非凡的领袖魅力,展露著一股雄霸一方的大将之风。

46、force potence power strength vigour 出处_金山词霸2005专业版

47、We read the world wrong and say that it deceives us. 我们把世界看错了,反说它欺骗我们。

48、Yet their ways of manners are beyond the understanding of Chinese and often get misinterpreted. 但他们形之于外的霸气、朝气和热情,在中国的社会环境下往往不能被接受理解。

49、I am Jabba ' s prisoner . And you … 我是贾霸的囚犯,而你…

50、The City of London also has its own flag and its own crest which is awesome and makes London's lack of either twice as sad. 伦敦城有自己的旗帜和市徽显得非常霸气的同时也让两个都没有的伦敦更加可怜。


51、And on climate change, at a minimum, China came out of Copenhagen looking like something of a bully. 而在气候变化问题上,经历了哥本哈根气候大会后,中国至少看起来像个小恶霸。

52、Gorgeous and le melody to describe the dignity and hegemony of grand China palace. 华丽尊贵的曲风,描述著伟大建筑中国城紫禁城之尊贵之霸气。

53、The Cube is here, and the Deceptions are coming. 霸天虎要来了。

54、One of the employees at Bart's school, a grumpy Scotsman named Willie, described the French as "cheese-eating surrender monkeys. " (AFP. 霸子学校里一名叫「威利」的暴躁苏格兰职员,就曾形容法国人是「吃起司的投降猴子」。(法新社)

55、I was fortunate to play for Clough when he was at the peak of his power, not long after Forest had twice won the European Cup. 克劳夫霸气外露,我有幸在他盛年时效力森林队。之后不久森林就蝉联欧冠。

56、At half -time , I told them they were not playing bad but were playing without ambition . 中场休息时,我告诉队员他们打得不错但打得没有霸气。

57、Old Mr and Mrs Linton were not there; Edgar and his sister had it entirely to themselves. 老林惇先生和太太都不在那儿,只有埃德加和他妹妹霸占了这屋子。

58、His imposing presence is an admirable, touching and stunning side of him, not overpowering at all. 我想东健的霸气应该是让人倾慕的、却又不拒人于千里之外的、动人的、震撼的一面。

59、We read the world wrong and say that it deceives us. 我们把世界看错了,反说它欺骗我们。

60、According to the list, the Houston Rockets' recent 2 losses were attributed to Yao's lack of aggressiveness. 榜单称,火箭队最近两场输球全是因为姚明缺乏霸气。

61、Although the details were slightly overdone, the forward thrust of the body, the aggressive stance, and the sporty roof were all well executed. 虽然细节略显过火,但箭形的汽车前脸、霸气的车姿和动感的车顶还是设计得相当不错的。

62、Buck is a Highball made with addition of a few squeezes of lemon or lime, squeezed and dropped. Bucks are also more commonly made with ginger ale than with any other fizzy mixer. 霸克是在高脚杯里加入少量压榨后的柠檬或莱姆汁,压榨后并置入杯子里。霸克也通常用干姜汁混合多于其他任何菲士。

63、A lion labeled on the bottle, reveals a style of king and strong character. This is a le estate wine in Italy with a long history and brilliance. 从其酒标上的狮子,就能感受到这款酒的霸气和王者风范,该庄园是意大利葡萄酒中的贵族,历史悠久,身世显赫。

64、He was running for a long time and he was out of breath. 是把“他跑了很长时间了,累的上气不接下气”这句话翻成英语吗?

65、Whether you l­ove it or hate it, you can't deny that Microsoft has had a sweeping impact. 不论你是爱它还是恨它,你不能否认微软具有横扫千军的霸气。

66、The Sound Blaster driver is busy. 声霸卡 驱动程序忙。

67、Could you tell me something about Xiamen Unversity? 看着他的眼睛的时候,我这句话说的很有底气。

68、Rewarding more than the mayor: As more users join foursquare it becomes increasingly hard to gain mayorships. 除了称霸之外的奖励:随着越来越多的用户加入 foursquare,要想称霸某个地区越来越难了。

69、Manipulator bosses are the smoothest of bullies. 控制者是恶霸中最圆滑的。

70、Cash register, filling gas, car body construction, in line with the characteristics of public transport operators, reflects the functional purpose of the supremacy. 现金出纳机,灌装气体、车身结构,与特点,反映了公共交通机构功能的霸主地位。

71、Even the world's second-largest exporter might have to twist a few arms to upend the dollar's dominance in global trade. 即便是世界第二大出口国可能也必须花点儿力气才能颠覆美元在全球贸易中的霸主地位。

72、Launches an attack by the most perfect lineup, breaks through enemy lines, attacks a city plunders , reappearance trade union and aggressive. 以最完美的阵容出击,冲锋陷阵,攻城掠地,再现公会的与霸气。

73、It has no sheath, didn't push so proud, whether pull out in increase to body, definitely be scared to decease numerous people. 它没出鞘,没动就这样霸气,如果拔出体外,一定吓坏不少人。

74、They are also the makers of Duracell . 他们还制造商霸王。

75、It is a thumbing of the nose at hegemony. 而是对霸权的蔑视。

英文句子模板76:Domineering sentences

76、China is becoming a global bully. 中国正成为全球土霸。

77、Breeze Xin I say the time of this sentence, seem to be to have a little out of breath. 风间欣吾说这句话的时候,显得有点上气不接下气。

78、The lion may be king of the jungle, but in the rivers of Africa, the hippopotamus is king. 如果狮子是陆上的万兽之王,那麽河马就是河中的霸主。
