还有多少个10年语录 人还有多少个十年珍惜的句子

2023-03-13 01:58   geyange.com


Walt Disney


Failure isn’t the end, unless you let it be. Don’t believe me? Here are 5 people who lived through failure before going on to become names known around the world:


Walt Disney


Disney began his career by being fired by a newspaper for not being creative enough. Later, his Mickey Mouse cartoons were rejected because they were deemed to be “too scary for women.” If that wasn’t enough, "The Three Little Pigs" was also turned down because it only had four characters.


Thankfully, we have the Disney company today because Walt chose not to listen to any of his critics and press forward towards his dreams.


Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan


As a kid, Jordan loved basketball and knew he wanted to make a career out of it, though no coach would give him a chance because he was short. After using an inside connection to get into a basketball camp from which players for college teams were chosen, Jordan got noticed by a coach—who still chose not to invite him to the team.

乔丹在幼年时代就酷爱篮球,虽然他身材矮小,没有教练愿意培养他,他却立志要以篮球为自己的终身事业。 后来,经熟人介绍,乔丹参加了一次篮球夏利营,参与这个夏利营的成员有望成为大学校园中篮球队的队员。乔丹引起了一位教练的注意,然而这位教练最终仍然没有让乔丹成为自己的队员。

Jordan returned home discouraged, but decided to prove the coach wrong. Now a member of the NBA Hall of Fame, just about everyone would agree he succeeded.


Stephen King

Stephen King


King is a best-selling writer whose work has been made into several motion pictures. However, his first work was rejected 30 times, which lead to King throwing it in the trash. Thankfully, his wife made him keep working at it, and—from that inauspicious start—Carrie was born.


Milton Hershey

Milton Hershey


The man who blessed us with the sweet milk-chocolate treat we all love wasn’t a hit the first time around. Before launching his own candy business, he had worked for a local candy factory. But when he decided to go out on his own, he failed miserably.


Despite two more failures, he returned to the family farm and perfected the art of making delicious milk-chocolate candy, which we enjoy in the form of Hershey chocolate today.


Theodor Giesel

Theodor Giesel


This author struggled to write a novel that publishing companies would call something other than “pure rubbish” several times—27 to be exact. The man just wouldn’t quit, though.


One fateful night, he ran into an old friend who had recently taken over as a children’s literature editor. The friend agreed to publish Giesel’s work. Better known today as Dr. Seuss, Giesel was never again called a failure after his first book struck it big.
