
2023-11-14 18:48   geyange.com



1.Sometimes ever , sometimes never .

【译】时也 命也

2.All or nothing .


3.Kill time , or kiss time .

【译】或消磨 或厮磨

4.I want my tears back now .

【译】愿偿年少泪 尤趁未老时

5.All in the game .


6.There is more to come .


7.Truth or happiness , never both .

【译】真相和幸福 从不可兼得

8.You are not afraid of a thousand miles .

【译】山海有你 不怕千里

9.Not good enough to have .

【译】不够优秀 何以拥有

10.I am a slow walker , but I never walk backwards .

【译】我走的很慢 但我绝不回头

11.Able was I ere I saw Elba .


12.You had me at hello .

【译】我早已被你俘获 在你第一次说你好的时候

13.You are my better half .


14.You light up my life .

【译】你 照亮我的生命

15.For every heart , you're the beat .

【译】心跳之间 你为心率

16.Liwe a good life meet slomy .

【译】好好生活 慢慢相遇

17.Born sensitive , lonely and happy .

【译】生来敏感 孤独又快乐

18.For you , a thousand times over .

【译】为你 千千万万遍

19.Respective efforts , peak bye .

【译】各自努力 顶峰再见

20.All the deep love is secret .

【译】所有的深爱 都是秘密

21.When you live for love .


22.Learning to use , what is there against it ?

【译】学而为己 何乐不为?

23.You are my today and all of my tomorrows .


24.A wise man does not fall in love .


25.Looking for no one like you .

【译】寻寻觅觅 无人像你


