
2023-11-11 17:50   geyange.com



我们先说本科,此处我们参考US News 的综合大学排名,在本科阶段相对比较说明问题

(US News 美国大学综合排名)

Brown University :14

Rice University:16

Cornell University:16

接下来我们再看US News 给出的世界排名,在这里学术比重占比就比较大了,是可以看出一所大学的学术能力的。

Cornell University: 23

Brown University:99

Rice University:107


首先在美国大学排名中,US News 的评选依据是

Out Come: 35% 其中 Social mobility 5%, Graduation and retention 22%, Graduation rate performance 8%

Faculty Resources 20%

Expert Opinion 20%

Financial Resources 20%

Student Excellence 10%

Alumni Giving Rate 5%

而在世界大学排名中 US News 的评选依据是

Global Research Reputation: 12.5%

Regional Research Reputation: 12.5%

Publication: 10%

Books: 2.5%

Conference: 2.5%

Normalized Citation Impact: 10%

Total Citation: 7.5%

Number of publication that are among the 10 percent most cited: 12.5%

Percentage of total publications that are among the 10 percent most cited: 10%

International Collaboration:5%

Percentage of total publications with international collaboration:5%

Number of highly cited paper that are among the top 1 percent most cited in their respective field:5%

Percentage of total publications that are among the top 1 percent most cited in their papers: 5%


另外,就是 如果题主是要去读研究生的话,就需要以目标专业排名为主要的参考依据来评判了,综合排名其实对研究生来讲意义并不大。
