
2023-10-10 07:04   geyange.com


根据浙江省高考改革要求,英语学科考试在题型上发生了巨大变化,写作部分将分为两部分:第一部分为应用文写作,第二部分为读后续写或概要写作。两种形式在不同考次不定期交替使用。其中题型2:概要写作。提供一篇350词以内的短文,要求考生基于该短文写出一篇60词左右的内容概要。 评分要点:1)理解准确,涵盖全部要点;2)准确使用相应的语法结构和词汇;3)有效使用语句间的连接成分,结构紧凑;4)完全使用自己的语言。


1. 第一招:运用正反法。即把肯定形式改成否定形式,否定改成肯定。


1). You will fail.可以改写成You will not succeed. 

2). Jack didn’t pass the driving test, but he still hoped to.可以改写成Though Jack failed to pass the driving test, he still hoped to.

2. 第二招:词性转换法。即改变原句中一些重要词汇的词性来表达相同的含义。


1). Patience is very importance可以改写成Patience is of great importance. 

2). The pollution makes people very anxious about their living environment. 可以改写成People show great anxiety about their living environment. 



1). Keeping silent can actually make your anger longer.可以改写成Keeping silent may not help and can lengthen your anger.

2). She went to study in New Zealand because she intended to immigrate there. 可以改写成She went to New Zealand with the intention of immigrating there.

3). I didn’t catch any fish because I was not patient.可以改写成I didn’t catch any fish owing to the fact that I was not patient.



1). Parents should give children more praise.可以改写成Children should be given more praise. (主动句转换成被动句)

2). Children should be encouraged more. This will help them learn faster.可以改写成Children should be encouraged more, which will help them learn faster.(简单句转换成复合句)

3). Children are given more praise. They will achieve more success.可以改写成When given more praise, children will achieve more success.(简单句转换成复合句)



1). We should encourage students. We should not scold them.可以改写成We should encourage students instead of scolding them.

2). Cold and wet have nothing to do with catching colds, why are they more frequent in the winter?... No one has yet found the answer.可以改写成However, no one has yet found the answer why colds are frequent in the winter.......

6. 第六招:细节省略法。即省略原文中的一些细节,不改变句子主要含义。

例如:Recordings of angry bees are enough to send big, tough African elephants running away!可以改写成Recordings of angry bees can send African elephants running away!

7. 第七招:句意理解法。即根据对原文句子意思的理解重新写一个句子。


1). Because he played carelessly we lost the game.可以改写成 But for his carelessness, we wouldn’t have lost the match. 

2). Shopping on the internet is becoming increasingly popular.可以改写成More and more people prefer Internet shopping.


1.What is beneficial to nature may not be good for people. 

Everything __________ nature is not necessarily good for people. 

2.She went to study in New Zealand because she intended to immigrate there.

She went to New Zealand ___________________ immigrating there.

3.The police said that the case was being investigated. 

According to the police, the case is __________________.

4.Because he played carelessly we lost the game.

______________________, we wouldn’t have lost the match. 

5.The pollution makes people very anxious about their living environment.

People show great _______ about their living environment. 

6.On a personal note, the Internet is very valuable.

Personally, the Internet ________________.

7. In general men are not aware of this problem as women.

Men should raise the ______________ of this problem in general.

8. The more one knows about pollution, the more one can do for our environment.

One should _______________________ of pollution to contribute to  the environment.

9.Keeping silent can actually make your anger longer.

Keeping silent may not help and can ___________ your anger.

10. She lay under the building and she was trapped there for three days.

She lay ________ under the building for three days.


1. benefiting  2. with the intention of  3.under investigation  4. But for his carelessness  5. anxiety  6.is of great value   7. awareness  8. have a good knowledge 9. lengthen 10. trapped 



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