
2024-02-12 00:10   geyange.com




The best way to make this " I" disappear is not through asceticism, yoga, hunger strike, no! But through creation.


Practice means creating your inner order. Now you, can be said to be a mess, completely in disorder.


Meditation - the first form of contact with yoga. Is also the first to make me become quiet. Let go of yourself and be relieved.


Yoga is a way to connect consciousness and unconsciousness. Only when you change your unconscious will your life have a different meaning.


Yoga, there is an impression. The snake swallows its tail. The beginning is the end, the end is the beginning. So circulation, only the heart.


Yoga is the feeling of oneness between man and nature by letting your body reach a limit and letting your mind empty with a sense of pain


My view of yoga is to return to its most real appearance, and my final goal is to make you feel full of sleep, which is the essence of yoga


Freedom from oneself is true freedom; His freedom is a false freedom. Yoga tries to achieve their own freedom, and Zen is just from their own freedom.


A yogi can always stay awake, he will sleep, but he will never dream, his dream has completely disappeared. When dreams disappear, thoughts disappear.


Yogi means a person practicing the art or science that is with the universe. There are no other problems in my life; All other problems are branches.


Living with facts is the only yoga, the only training. Once you are fully aware of the human condition, you become pious. So you began to give up; You 're no longer in possession.


You and yoga, at the intersection of my life, are the body. Originally, the underlying reason why I came to yoga classes is so shallow, when I was with my body, also like with you.


Yoga: forward bend makes people humble, backward bend makes people open, reverse makes people pure, support makes people strong, upside down makes people brave, heart all problems can be changed through body exercises.


Breathing in yoga is often used to stop the brain. Different breathing rhythm, breathing tiny vibration, can cause intense impact on the brain, may cause brain damage.


The best girl, a cup of tea a day, an hour of yoga, a good book, a beauty sleep, know how to hurt yourself, when there is a man without distractions, no man when the sun is still.



The beauty of yoga posture - standing posture is magical; The back bend is wonderful; Flexion is elegant; Turn is happy; Inversion is easy.


Yoga poses are as stable as mountains and as soft as water. Stable for the body, soft for the heart. No mountains and rivers are not green, no mountains and rivers are not long. No physical rigidity of the mind, no physical emptiness of the mind.


Just as love needs not perfection, but truth, yoga poses need not perfection, but truth.


Everyone has potential energy, but it is easy to be covered by habit, lost by time, consumed by inertia. Yoga is a way to awaken our potential energy.


One day, someone will walk into your life and let you know why you and others have no results.


Some roads, can only be a person to walk, the hard road, only oneself know.


In fact, nothing can 't let go. As you look back, you 'll find that what you thought you couldn 't let go was just a springboard in life that made you grow.


Strong heart, often be defeated by a simple comfort, and then tears.


Don 't give up when you think you can fight for it. Waiting is sad, but regret is even more sad.


In a bad mood, close your eyes and tell yourself, this is illusion.


Ironically, we pretend to be psychologists in front of friends, but we can 't even solve our problems.


Cry to yourself, smile to others, this is the so-called life.


Even if you are not happy, also never to disturb the happiness of others, this is the principle.


If you knew you weren 't so important to others, you 'd be happy ...


A friend is not the first person to come or the oldest person to know, but the person who has never left since he came.



Removing constraints means that you have to understand the current situation of human consciousness knot, the whole process of yoga is just to understand the complex knot, and then open them, remove those constraints.


My final goal is to make you all aware when you go to bed. that 's the essence of yoga. And if any yogi teaches you anything else, it 's all useless.


Yoga 's immediate task is to find a bond between the mind and the body, between the individual and the gods, between ideas and sources, between teachers and students, and even between ourselves and our hard-to-reach neighbors.


I think there are always some reasons why people are separated, but some people, you should wait.


Actually for you really good person, you lifetime, also won 't meet a few.


The best friend, teasing each other at ordinary times, is the mouth of the most malicious, when you need, is the softest heart.


Sometimes, you choose to let go is not can 't insist, just because you find that some things are doomed to fail.


It 's best to start like this, and when you start, you 'll have to maintain the discipline and rhythm of your practice.


Practice means creating an order within you. As far as you are concerned, you are a mess.


If you want to imitate me now, of course, will suffer, because I have been doing yoga for more than half a century.


The best way to make this " I" disappear is not through asceticism, yoga, hunger strike, no! But through creation.


Practice means creating your inner order. Now you, can be said to be a mess, completely in disorder.


Pursue breakthroughs in your life.


Sensitivity requires stability, which must be maintained through a fixed exercise.


Your body is like a drought, famine and incurable disease.


You may not consciously return to the way you used to spoil your lifestyle.
