
2024-01-29 13:33   geyange.com


ABSTRACT: Wine’s roots are biblical, its benefits are amazing, and its effects are… well, you know. Let’s just say, if you’re having a bad day, it’s nothing a glass of wine can’t fix. And for these reasons, amongst a plethora of others, this stuff has been winning over the hearts of humans since practically t

1. “要么再给我一点葡萄酒,要么让我一个人呆着。”——鲁米(Rumi,著名诗人,约13世纪前)

“Either give me more wine or leave me alone.” — Rumi

2. “啤酒是人酿造出来的,而葡萄酒是神酿造出来的。”——马丁·路德(Martin Luther,基督教改革家)

“Beer Is Made By Men, Wine By God.” — Martin Luther

3. “葡萄酒中自有真理。”——老普林尼(Pliny The Elder,古罗马作家)

“In Wine, There’s Truth.” — Pliny The Elder

4. “如果我们喝点葡萄酒,我们就能从茫茫黑夜中看到梦想的星光。”——戴维·赫伯特·劳伦斯(D.H. Lawrence,英国小说家)

“If We Sip The Wine, We Find Dreams Coming Upon Us Out Of The Imminent Night.” — D.H. Lawrence

5. “葡萄酒让一切皆有可能。”——乔治·R·R·马丁(George R. R. Martin,美国小说家)

“Wine Makes All Things Possible.” — George R. R. Martin

6. “葡萄酒就像基督化成肉身一样,既神圣无比,也充满人性之美。”——田立克(Paul Tillich,神学家)

“Wine Is Like The Incarnation — It Is Both Divine And Human.” — Paul Tillich

7. “葡萄酒的存在说明上帝爱我们,并希望我们快乐。”——本杰明•富兰克林(Benjamin Franklin,美国独立战争的伟大领袖)

“Wine [Is] a Constant Proof That God Loves Us, And Loves To See Us Happy.” — Benjamin Franklin

8. “葡萄酒适于分享。我从没见过一个不愿意与他人分享好酒的葡萄酒爱好者。”——克利夫顿·法第曼(Clifton Fadiman,美国书评家)

“A Bottle Of Wine Begs To Be Shared; i Have Never Met a Miserly Wine Lover” — Clifton Fadiman

9. “人生最美莫过于初吻和初次喝到的那一杯葡萄酒。”——马蒂·鲁宾(Marty Rubin,作家)

“The First Kiss And The First Glass Of Wine Are The Best.” — Marty Rubin

10. “每品尝一口葡萄酒,就彷如在品味人类历史长河里的一滴甘泉。”——克利夫顿·法第曼(Clifton Fadiman,美国书评家)

“To Take Wine Into Our Mouths Is To Savor a Droplet Of The River Of Human History” — Clifton Fadiman

11. “葡萄酒就像是一段将始未始、欲语又罢的会话。”——杰西卡·阿尔蒂丽(Jessica Altieri,美国葡萄酒作家)

“Wine Is Just a Conversation Waiting To Happen.” — Jessica Altieri

12. “葡萄酒是装在瓶子里的浪漫诗篇。”——艾琳·摩根斯顿(Erin Morgenstern,美国作家)

“Wine Is Bottled Poetry.” — Erin Morgenstern

13. “葡萄酒中自有真理,只是酒标上从来不会把其中的真理标示出来。”——乔什·斯特恩(Josh Stern,作家)

“There Is Truth In Wine, But You Never See It Listed In The Ingredients On The Label”  — Josh Stern

14. “在大多数日子里,我们不过是过着得过且过、自欺欺人的生活;稍感欣慰的是,在别的日子里,我们有红葡萄酒为伴。”——蕾切尔·伯明翰(Rachael Bermingham,澳大利亚作家)

“Most Days i Juggle Everything Quite Well, On The Other Days There’s Always Red Wine.” — Rachael Bermingham

15. “葡萄酒让每一次进餐变得更有意义,每一张桌子更优雅细致,每一个日子更文明有礼。”——安德雷·西蒙(Andre Simon)

“Wine Makes Every Meal An Occasion, Every Table More Elegant, Every Day More Civilized.” — Andre Simon

