《相约星期二》中的美丽英文 分享(一)
断断续续的读完了相约星期二这本书,Tuesdays with Morrie, 读此书是一种安静而美好的体验!love each other or perish! 从语言的角度,我做了些许笔记,找出了一些觉得很不错的,自己也想要学习和体会的句子和段落,打算分几期和大家一起分享!
1. his unwavering belief that the most important lesson in life is connecting to one another through compassion and love.
eg:I am grateful for his unwavering support.
2. I had this vision of me keeling over at my desk one day, halfway through a story, my editors snatching the copy even as the medics carried my body away.
eg:I had the vision of me walking along the coast of California.
3. “the culture doesn’t encourage you to think about such things until you’re about to die. We’re so wrapped up withegotistical things, career, family, having enough money, meeting the mortgage, getting a new car, fixing the radiator when it breaks—we’re involved in trillions of little acts just to keep going.
ep: 这里的wrap up with是集中注意力在某件事情上的意思。
Egotistical things 自我本位的事物
4. So we don’t get into the habit of standing back and looking at our lives and saying, Is this all? Is this all I want? Is something missing?”
5. He was standing on the tracks,listening to death’s locomotive whistle, and he was very clear about the important things in life.
6. I am only a few credits shy of a degree.
Credit学分 shy of相当于short of
7. I grin as heleafsthrough it,
8.I feel a sense of dread.
A sense of 用的很广
9. and it was quite a blow to me
eg: Losing this game is a blow to him.
10. as his brother was takenback and forthto a special medical home and was forced to wear braces on his legs, which left him limping—Morrie felt responsible.
当他的弟弟不断的往返于家里和疗养医院并且不得不在腿上安装上支架然后一瘸一拐的走路时,他感觉到是自己造成了这一切。back and forth 来来回回.
eg: He walks back and forth in the room.
11. At nine years old, he felt as if the weight of a mountain were on his shoulders.
12. She had a glow that warmed the otherwise murky atmospherehis father created.
otherwise这里用的非常精炼, murky 阴郁的
13. Morrie waited onthose kisses like a puppy waits onmilk, and he felt, deep down, that he had a mother again.
Wait on 意思是work for . Morrie为了那些kiss而好好表现自己,正如小宠物为了得到牛奶那样,温和而乖巧。Wait on可以学会使用哦
14. because she saw education asthe only antidote to their poverty.
See... as 把…看作是。大家下次想要表达A 是B的XX就不要用think A is the XX of B, 就可以用see A as the XX of B. antidote解药,对抗
eg: what is the antidote to laziness?
15. Morrie’s love for education was hatched inher arms.
我们的英语作文写的不漂亮,有一个原因就是我们掌握的动词太少,这里“Morrie对教育的爱正是在他母亲的怀里孵化了。” Hatch孵化
eg: they are hatching a plot.
16. clamping on his nostrils like a leech.
17. So wekid ourselves about death,
我们拿死亡开玩笑。 Kid about sth. 拿…开玩笑。
18. To know you’re going to die, and to be prepared for it at any time. That’s better. That way you can actuallybe more involved in your life while you’re living.”
如果我们想表达“更加专注于投入于眼前的生活”,该怎么用英文表述呢?这里就有了be more involved in life. 我们可能更多想到的是concentrate或者dedicate,所以多看看原著有利于我们更好体会一些熟悉的单词的用法哦!
19. Morrie borrowed freely fromall religions.
如果是我们自己去想如何表达“借鉴”是不是容易想到learn from呢?borrow from更加的生动!
20. And the things he was sayingin his final months on earthseemed to transcend all religious differences. Death has a way of doing that.
“去世前的几个月”“弥留的几个月”我们该怎么表达? 这里有很好的短语 “his final months on earth”!
今天的分享就到这里啦!to be continued! 大家有什么建议可以给我留言哦!
thanks for reading!
最后编辑于 :2017.12.05 03:10:27
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