外科医生格言集萃 外科格言与引语集萃

2024-04-10 05:00   geyange.com


1. The advent of anesthesia has made it so that any idiot can become a surgeon.

——  William Stewart Halsted, 1852 -1922


2. Anaesthetics have abolished the need for operative speed and they allow time for careful procedures.

——Lord Lister 1827–1912


3. The good surgeon deserves a good anesthesiologist, who is indispensable for the bad surgeon!

—— Oleg Zverev(From Russian–Youry Vladimirovitch Plotnicov)


4. The choice of an anesthetic is more often determined by the idiosyncrasy of the operator than by the necessity of the case.

—— Charles H Mayo, 1856 -1939


【点评】 就现在的麻醉技术发展而言,还是应该病情优先。因为早年很少有专业的麻醉医生,多数是由外科医生自己兼做麻醉,所以用什么麻醉剂只能根据其喜好而定。

5. All anesthetic agents are poisons –thus the fewer the number, the smaller the dose and the shorter the exposure, the better.

—— Mark M Ravitch, 1910 -1989


6. A surgeon is someone who likes to operate; an anaesthetist is someone who doesn`t like to give anaesthetics.

—— David M Dent


7. There is an inverse relationship between a surgeon`s ability and the frequency he asks for more muscle relaxant.


8. Fifteen minutes spent preoperatively with a patient is worth 15mg of morphine as premedicant.

—— Stephen J Prevoznik



9. The laryngoscope is a tool, not a weapon.


【点评】 喉镜使用不当或插管准备不充分常会给病人带来严重伤害,让其成为“夺命喉镜”。

10. The patient who can`t be intubated should be intubated.


11. In America there exist professional anaesthetists. This specialty is being praised in Germany. I cannot think of anything more dull.

—— August Bier 1861–1949


