骑自行车名言 请问一句自行车手说的名言

2024-03-16 17:46   geyange.com



"不要升级装备,升级你的腿。(Don't buy upgrades, ride up grades. )"

——Eddy Merckx 艾迪·默克斯(比利时传奇车手,“食人魔”,三大环赛及五大古典赛冠军)

"刹车,你就不会赢!(If you brake, you don't win. )"

——Mario Cipollini 马里奥·奇波里尼(意大利传奇冲刺手,“狮子王”,42个环意赛段冠军)

"环法不给懦弱任何余地。(There is no room in the Tour for the sick or the weak. )"

——Laurent Jalabert 劳伦·加拉贝特(法国职业车手,两届环法爬坡王、冲刺王)

"只要还剩一口气,我就不会停止进攻!(As long as I breathe, I attack. )"

——Bernard Hindustan 伯纳德·伊诺(法国传奇车手,三大环赛冠军、五届环法冠军)

"骑自行车告诉我一件事:不经努力就实现某个目标,是不会令人满足的。(One thing that cycling has taught me is that if you can achieve something without a struggle it's not going to be satisfying. )"

——Greg LeMond 格雷格·莱蒙德(美国职业车手,三届环法冠军)

"对我而言,无论下雨、阳光明媚还是其他什么都不重要:只要骑上自行车,我就是世界上最幸运的人。(To me, it doesn't matter whether it's raining or the sun is shining or whatever: as long as I'm riding a bike I know I'm the luckiest guy in the world. )"

——Mark Cavendish 马克·卡文迪什(英国传奇冲刺手,“曼岛飞弹”,34个环法赛段冠军)

"训练就像与大猩猩搏斗。你累的时候不能停,大猩猩累的时候你才能停。(Training is like fighting with a gorilla. You don't stop when you're tired. You stop when the gorilla is tired. )"

——Greg Henderson 格雷格·亨德森(新西兰职业车手,世锦赛冠军)

"你必须考虑太多你无法控制的因素。你能掌握在自己手中最重要的因素就是你自己。(There are too many factors you have to take into account that you have no control over. The most important factor you can keep in your own hands is yourself. )"

——Eddy Merckx 艾迪·默克斯(比利时传奇车手,“食人魔”,三大环赛及五大古典赛冠军)


"骑自行车就是强迫自己做得更多:我不能继续,我必须继续,我将会继续。(Cycling is about pushing yourself to do more. I can't go on. I must go on. I will go on. )"

——Simon Mottram 西蒙·莫特拉姆 (Rapha创始人之一、前首席执行官)

"没有比骑车更单纯的快乐。(Nothing compares with the simple pleasure of a bike ride. )"

——John F. Kennedy 约翰·肯尼迪(美国总统)

"单车永远是作家及诗人的交通工具。(The bicycle, the bicycle surely, should always be the vehicle of novelists and poets. )"

——Christoper Morley 克理斯多佛·莫列(美国新闻工作者、诗人)

"乌托邦里充满单车路径。(Cycle tracks will abound in Utopia. )"

——H. G. Wells 威尔斯(科幻小说之父)

"搞辆单车,至死不悔。(Get a bicycle. You will not regret it if you live. )。"

——Mark Twain 马克·吐温(美国作家)

"骑上山地车就容易成为高贵的人。(It is easy to be a holy man on a mountain bike. )"

——Mark W. Matson 马克·梅特森(美国整型医师)

"忧郁与骑车不两立。(Melancholy is incompatible with bicycling. )"

——James E. Starrs 詹姆斯·史达尔斯(美国法律学教授)

"单车的存在就是迈向明理与智慧。(The very existence of the bicycle is an offense to reason and wisdom. )"

——P. J. O'Rourke 欧鲁克(美国讽刺作家)

"一切都是单车。(Everything is bicycle. )"

——Stephen Crane 史帝芬·昆恩(美国作家)

"单车是人类最高贵的发明。(The bicycle is the noblest invention of mankind. )"

——William Saroyan 威廉·沙罗杨(美国剧作家)

"骑车才能体会一个国家的精华。(It is by riding a bicycle that one learns the contours of a country best. )"

——Emest Hemingway 海明威(美国作家)

"我是在骑车时想出‘相对论’的。(I thought of that while riding my bicycle. )"

——Albert Einstein 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦(德国物理学家)

