
2023-02-28 19:11   geyange.com


许巍《执着》:我想超越这平凡的生活,注定现在就是漂泊,无法停止内心的狂热,对未来 的执着。 许巍《浮躁》:每当我想往高处飞翔,总感到太多的重量,远方是一个什么概念,如今我已 不在想。 许巍《蓝莲花》:没有什么能够阻挡,你对自由的向往。 许巍《我的秋天》:伴着我的歌声/是你心碎的幻想/你用你的眼泪/抚摸我的寂寞/幸福如此遥 远/我无法看见/这秋天的夜晚/让我感到茫然 许巍<方向>:我用力的挥动翅膀,溶进这宽阔的天空,化作为你盛开的夕阳. 许巍《两天》:我只有两天一天用来出生一天用来死亡 许巍《在别处》:就在我进入的瞬间 我真想死在你怀里 许巍《永恒》:永生永世的爱恋 总是那么遥远沉重 不变的轮回之中生命变的虚无缥缈 许巍《青鸟》:我的每个幻想总在每一个秋天飞扬我的每个悲伤总在每一个夜里生长我的每 次飞翔总在漫无目的的路上我的每次歌唱总在每一个夜里飘荡许巍《水妖》:无所谓什么坚 强 无所谓什么悲伤 我从来都是这样 没有方向 许巍《那一年》:在生存面前那纯洁的理想/原来是那么脆弱不堪 张楚《和大伙去乘凉》:走在街上,我被天上的太阳晒得漆黑。 张楚 《和大伙去乘凉》 :就在街上 碰到一个富人朋友阴沉着脸 让我惭愧 还是在这条街上 碰 到一个穷人朋友他也阴沉着脸 喔 让我抬不起头 张楚《姐姐》:哦,姐姐,我想回家,牵着我的手,我有些困了。 张楚<姐姐>:面对我前面的人群,我得穿过而且潇洒,我知道你在旁边看着,挺假!张楚《卑鄙小 人》:隐藏的欺骗变得很阴险 ,漂亮的花边漫长的改变 张楚《上苍保佑吃饱了饭的人民》:上苍保佑吃饱了饭的人民,保佑工人,还有农民,小资 产阶级,姑娘和明星,升官的升官,离婚的离婚,无所事事的人。 张楚<BPMF>:从没搞清什是痛苦 大概是背 aoeiu/终于明白孤独意思/就是没人再打我屁股/ 我作出的考试题目/答案都是些无理数/让我用"不"字造句/我只会写出来"绝不,绝不!绝不!!" 张楚<BPMF>:翻开语文书,请大家跟我朗读 张楚<爱情>:我明天早晨打算离开即使你已经扒光了我的衣裳/你早晨起来死在这床上即使 街上的人还很坚强/离开/离开/离开/离开你离开离开 张楚《蚂蚁》:想一想邻居女儿听听收音机/看一看我的理想还埋在土里 何勇《垃圾场》:吃的都是良心 拉的全是思想 何勇《垃圾场》:我们时候的世界,就是一个垃圾场,人们像虫子一样,在里面你争我抢。 何勇《钟鼓楼》:是谁出的题是这么的难?到处全都是正确答案。 何勇《姑娘漂亮》:交个女朋友,还是养条狗。 何勇《姑娘漂亮》:我的舌头就是那美味佳肴任你品尝 窦唯《高级动物》:我的天,高级动

篇二 :滚蛋吧,肿瘤君经典语录




























篇三 :摇滚校园 电影 英语 台词 口语笔记 20

X: I'm just saying, name two great chick drummers.

Y: Sheila E? Meg White from the White Stripes?

X: She can't drum.

Y: She's a better drummer than you. At least she has rhythm.

P: Freddy, where are your sleeves? And what have you done to your hair?

X: It's called punk.

P: Well, it's not school uniform.

Z: Miss Mullins, you're The Man.

P: Thank you, Frankie.

P: Good morning, everyone. Just a reminder: Parents' Night is coming up, and I do expect everyone to have a presentation.

S: What? Hot!

T: You OK?

S: Sorry.

P: As you know, it is the most important event of the year. The parents will be scrutinizing our every move, so I find it's best to over-prepare, right? The best defense is a good offense. And, Roberta, now that I see you...

S: Hey, is she always like that?

篇四 :摇滚校园 电影 英语 台词 口语笔记 19

X: You can play your music after you finish your homework, after you finish your chores, but not until then. Zack! Zack, do not walk away from me when I'm talking to you. It's very rude. All right? Last thing...you do your guitar after your homework and chores, and only what Miss Sheinkopf gives you, all right? No more rock music. OK?

Y: OK.

X: All right, get to class. Watch that attitude.

S: All right, everybody, class has begun. And you know what? You guys have been doing real good in here. If I was gonna give you a grade, I'd give you an A. But that's the problem. Rock ain't about doing things perfect. Who can tell me what it's really about? Frankie?

T: Scoring chicks?

S: No. See? No. Eleni?

T: Getting wasted.

S: No. Come on. No. Leonard.

T: Sticking it to The Man?

篇五 :摇滚校园 电影 英语 台词 口语笔记 5

X: Children. Please take your seats. Everyone, I'd like to introduce Miss Dunham's substitute. This is Mr. Schneebly. Why don't you write your name on the board?

Y: Yes, I will.

X: You know what? Why don't you all just call me "Mr. S"?

Y: Mr. S has never taught here at Horace Green, so I want you all to be on your best behavior. So the curriculum is on the desk. And do you have any questions? X: Yeah, when's lunch?

Y: The children just had their lunch. Is there anything else you need?

X: I'm a teacher. All I need are minds for molding.

Y: All right, then. Well, thanks again. You saved the day.

be on your best behavior 表现出你们最好的一面

(学校、学院或大学的)全部课程 A curriculum is all the different courses of study that are taught in a school, college, or university. 全部课程,课程

篇六 :摇滚校园 电影 英语 台词 口语笔记 11

X: The sun'll come out tomorrow (Yes.)/ Bet your bottom dollar/ That tomorrow

Y: Stop. You've got it, and I don't even know what it is, but you've got it. And that's why you're in the band. You, sing.

Z: Amazing grace/How sweet the sound/That saved...

Y: Stop, before I start crying because I found the missing ingredient. You're in the band. W: I can sing.

Y: You can? All right, Summer, belt it.

W: Memory/All alone in the moonlight...

Y: Stop. Stop. OK. Good. That's pretty good. All right.

W: I can also play clarinet, you know.

Y: I'll find something for you. When we get back from lunch, I'll assign the rest of you killer positions.

you got it,是比较口语话的短语。

1 可以庆祝对方某事的成功,在郑重或者兴奋的对话中,译“你成功了!”“你做到了!”。 2 在一段平稳的对话中,通常表示这件事你懂、你能做到,译“你会的”“你明白的”。 3 如果是疑问语气,“you got it?”,译“你明白了?”“你听到了吗?”。

篇七 :摇滚校园 电影 英语 台词 口语笔记 17

P: Everyone, this is Ned Schneebly. He's covering for Gail. This is Gabe Green. He teaches second. Jane Lemmons, fourth. Bob's our P.E. Teacher. Roberta's our librarian.

X: How do you do?

Y: Would you care to join us, Mr. Schneebly?

S: Yeah.

Y: Did I say that correctly? "Schneebly"?

S: Actually, it's "Schnayblay".

X: We were just discussing testing. Which test do you find most effective, the TASS or the Wilson-Binet?

S: I say no testing, and I will tell you why, Joe.

X: Gabe.

S: Gabe. I believe...that the children are the future. Now, listen, you can teach them well, but, buddy, you have gotta let them lead the way. Let the children's laughter...just remind us how we used to be. That's what I decided long ago.

X: Isn't that a song?

S: No. I don't think so. No? No, it isn't.

篇八 :摇滚校园 电影 英语 台词 口语笔记 16

S: Mr. S? We came up with some names for the band.

X: Yeah? Hit me.

S: The Bumblebees?

X: No, it's sissy.

S: The Koala Bears?

X: No, what are you talking about? It's sissy. Okay, girls, I need to speak with Principal Mullins for a moment. Hey, Miss Mullins. Hello. How's it going?

S: How about "Pig Rectum"?

Y: Michelle!

X: It's a science project. Listen, Ros, I was thinking about organizing a field trip for the kids at the end of the month. What do you think about that?

Y: Well...substitutes, as a rule, do not organize field trips.

X: Right. But I figure I'm gonna be here for a while, so…

Y: Well, that remains to be seen. Have you met some of our other teachers?

X: No. But listen, don’t you think the kids could learn by getting out of the classroom?

Y: You know, it's more complicated than that, all right? There're safety issues. Parents need to be notified, all right? It's against school policy.
