
2023-03-06 05:42   geyange.com


Unified file information

A "file MD5" is a hash that gets computed from the file contents, and is reasonably unique based on that content. All shadow libraries that we have indexed on here primarily use MD5s to identify files.

A file might appear in multiple shadow libraries. This is the file information that we pieced together from the different sources that we have available here.


Files from shadow libraries, combined by MD5


533.1 kB / 533087 B


阿拜箴言集:哈萨克族哲理名著 (中华大国学经典文库)

Most likely language (detected)


Content type

未知类型的图书 ("book_unknown")

Cover URL

Shadow libraries

If a file appears in multiple shadow libraries, it's often the case that it was uploaded to Libgen.rs first, and then taken over by Library Genesis ".gs" Fork and/or Z-Library. But it can also mean that the file was independently uploaded. The metadata might differ for the different libraries, even when one library initially just copied the metadata from another one, since contributors of the different libraries can subsequently change the metadata independently.


✅ Book ID #21026242

Individual file downloads

Depending on the libraries that this file is in, it may be downloaded from various sources. Most Libgen.rs files are hosted on IPFS, which make them accessible through IPFS proxies. Library Genesis ".gs" and Z-Library have files that they host exclusively.



Z-Library (TOR)


Torrent downloads

For some files, they are available as bulk download. This is generally available for the Libgen.rs collection, books in the Libgen.li collection (but not comics, magazines, etc), and books in the Z-Library collection.

For Z-Library files, the torrents were created by the same people behind this website. We therefore have some additional information on the actual MD5 hash and filesize, since sometimes those didn't match the ones reported by the Z-Library.

Torrent available

✅ Z-Library torrent (in Pirate Library Mirror)

Torrent page


Torrent filename


Actual MD5


Actual filesize

533.1 kB / 533087 B


This is the raw JSON used to render this page.

"md5": "44d7386ad0ee1def9ee016f7ef493297",

"lgrsnf_book": null,

"lgrsfic_book": null,

"lgli_file": null,

"zlib_book": {

"zlibrary_id": 21026242,

"md5": "44d7386ad0ee1def9ee016f7ef493297",

"md5_reported": "44d7386ad0ee1def9ee016f7ef493297",

"filesize": 533087,

"filesize_reported": 533087,

"in_libgen": 0,

"pilimi_torrent": "pilimi-zlib2-19330000-21079999.torrent"


"": [


"ipfs_cid": "bafk2bzacecnrlduyjy7ca2doftn3tayxguucv2qktttpky3goj6mh2pbr5qjc",

"filename": "阿拜箴言集-哈萨克族哲理名著-中华大国学经典文库-阿拜-2016--annas-archive--zlib-21026242.mobi",

"from": "zlib"



"file_unified_data": {

"original_filename_best": "",

"original_filename_additional": ,

"original_filename_best_name_only": "",

"cover_url_best": "",

"cover_url_additional": ,

"extension_best": "mobi",

"extension_additional": ,

"filesize_best": 533087,

"filesize_additional": ,

"title_best": "阿拜箴言集:哈萨克族哲理名著 (中华大国学经典文库)",

"title_additional": ,

"author_best": "阿拜",

"author_additional": ,

"publisher_best": "星辰出版社_94",

"publisher_additional": ,

"edition_varia_best": "2016",

"edition_varia_additional": ,

"year_best": "2016",

"year_additional": ,

"comments_best": "",

"comments_additional": ,

"stripped_description_best": "",

"stripped_description_additional": ,

"language_codes": ,

"most_likely_language_code": "",

"sanitized_isbns": ,

"asin_multiple": ,

"googlebookid_multiple": ,

"openlibraryid_multiple": ,

"doi_multiple": ,

"problems": ,

"content_type": "book_unknown"


"search_only_fields": {

"search_text": "阿拜箴言集:哈萨克族哲理名著 (中华大国学经典文库)\n阿拜\n2016\n星辰出版社 94\n\nmobi",

"score_base": 11001.0


"additional": {

"most_likely_language_name": "",

"top_box": {

"": [

"阿拜箴言集:哈萨克族哲理名著 (中华大国学经典文库)",





"cover_url": "",

"top_row": "mobi, <1MB",

"title": "阿拜箴言集:哈萨克族哲理名著 (中华大国学经典文库)",

"publisher_and_edition": "星辰出版社_94, 2016",

"author": "阿拜",

"description": ""


"isbns_rich": ,

"download_urls": [


"IPFS 网关 #1",


"(您可能需要使用 IPFS 多次尝试)"



"IPFS 网关 #2",





"IPFS 网关 #3",





"Z-Library匿名镜像 #1",





"Z-Library匿名镜像 #2",





"Z-Library匿名镜像 #3",





"Z-Library匿名镜像 #4",





"Z-Library TOR",




